<p>Which school in Northwestern is hardest to get in?? and easiest.</p>
<p>Ive applied to mccormick</p>
<p>Which school in Northwestern is hardest to get in?? and easiest.</p>
<p>Ive applied to mccormick</p>
<p>Hardest? Medill</p>
<p>Easiest? Either SESP or Music or Communications</p>
<p>i thought communications was the hardest?</p>
<p>Well, if you aren’t much of a musician, it would be Bienen School of Music, and if you aren’t mathematically adept, it would be Engineering. And so on. Isn’t this kind of a silly question? Or are you asking for sheer percentages? But why would you apply to a school that you aren’t interested in, just because it accepts a higher percentage of appplicants? Aren’t applicants to schools self-selecting? So if music is “easy” could anyone apply there to get a foot in the door?</p>
<p>My answers are simply percentage-wise. Most people who apply to Northwestern are not aspiring musicians. There are more people, though, who are interested in journalism and engineering. Those schools have to deny more applicants than they can fill too.</p>
<p>so communications has the highest acceptance rate? i thought it had the lowest lol…</p>
<p>Whoa whoa whoa.
Did I miss something?
Communications has the highest acceptance rate?
Is there a source for this?</p>
<p>I applied to Medill…</p>
<p>Why not WCAS, which had the highest SAT last year? </p>
<p>I don’t think anyone here can tell for sure. The only stats I saw was mean SAT. Medill may be the most competitive journalism school in the country but that alone doesn’t automatically mean it’s more competitive than other schools at NU. If it were a business school, then the answer would be more clear-cut.</p>
<p>The theatre major in the School of Communications is limited to 100 new majors per year.</p>
<p>^^ Sam Lee, are the SAT ranges on NU’s website the ones for WCAS? Or can I find those somewhere else…?</p>
<p>Not that I can really do anything at this point, but it’d be interesting to see.</p>
<p>[Data</a> Book, Institutional Research, Administration and Planning, Northwestern University](<a href=“http://www.adminplan.northwestern.edu/ir/databook/#admissions]Data”>http://www.adminplan.northwestern.edu/ir/databook/#admissions)</p>
<p>thank you :)</p>
<p>if i applied to SoC and i’m like…decently bright but not super nerdstylez do i still have a chance of getting in? Like im going NUTS.</p>
I’m applying to SoC, too!
Make that one more for SoC … also R/TV/F</p>
Oh dear.
Mind sharing your stats?</p>
<p>Here’s a quick summary:</p>
<p>UW GPA: 3.8</p>
<p>CR 710
M 640 (ouch, I know)
W 730
2080 Composite</p>
<p>ACT: 31 Total</p>
<p>SAT II:
Chem 690
Am. History 680</p>
Mostly honors or AP when available…</p>
-I went interned at a NYC Post Production company for 3 weeks as a part of an “immersion program” at my high school. It was pretty awesome. (Ever see the planters peanut commercial during the super bowl with the ugly lady? That was created where I worked.
-I included a creative resume in my app…</p>
<p>Also my school is a private college prep school in Dayton, OH</p>
<p>Alright, not to be a little kid, but now I wanna see yours :)</p>
Classic playground rules: I’ll show you yours if you show me mine?
I kid.</p>
<p>Anyway…let’s just say if you don’t get in there’s no hope for me D:
In a nutshell:</p>
<p>GPA: 3.94 (unweighted)
Class rank: 8 out of 447</p>
<p>ACT: 33</p>
<p>PSAT: 207
National Merit Scholar Commended</p>
<p>Extracurricular Activities</p>
<p>Math Club
<p>Summer Activities
(Note: I went back to China for the majority of the summer from Freshman-Junior year. So yea, I couldn’t really do that much.)
Math Club tutor
<p>Junior Year
AP History A/A
AP Chemistry A/B+
Honors American Literature A/A
Honors Trig/Pre-Calc A/B+
Honors French III A/A-
Psychology A
Lit and Film A</p>
<p>Senior Year
AP European History
AP Biology
AP English
AP French
AP Calculus</p>
Lit and Film teacher
This translator I worked with while at the Economic Development Council</p>
<p>soundguy, i think i have very similar stats (SATs, academics, etc.) have you been told that you’re a competitive applicant? I’m applying to theatre but no one will chance me :(!!</p>