Move in for Freshmen: a classy and very well organized event. Well done, Fordham

<p>We drove more than 10 hours. Spent the night in a luxury hotel in New Jersey and drove in Sunday morning.....the sun was very bright, the sky was clear...not a single cloud, not a whisp of fog or pollution. Driving over the George Washington Bridge was awesome, then up the Henry Hudson Parkway, and onto the Moshulu Parkway through the beautiful parks in the Central Bronx....lush green trees everywhere, approaching the Botanical Gardens was gorgeous. Then the gates of Fordham. From the minute we arrived, we were treated very well, everyone did their job, we drove to Queen's Court Residential College, they greeted us by name, emptied our vehicle for us, carried ALL of my D's stuff upstairs and deposited it in her room, handed her they keys, gave her the student identification. We sauntered around all the booths, ate lunch with her roomate and parents, marveled at the beauty surrounding us, watched the second half of the Fordham-Loyola Mens Soccer match, strolled over to Arthur Avenue and Little Italy for a cappuccino, then returned to campus at 500pm for mass on the lawn, celebrated by Fr. McShane and 7 other Jesuits. At the end, he said, "The Mass has ended. Go in the Peace of Christ. Now it is time for parents to leave. " We hugged our D good bye and sniffled as we drove away, back across the George Washington Bridge. </p>

<p>But a wonderful day, very well organized. Flawless.</p>

<p>She is very, very happy.</p>

<p>We arrived before our scheduled time, having to take a taxi, with lots of stuff, we were directed right to Tierney, car unloaded in seconds, smiling faces showing us the room</p>

<p>D got her paperwork, Keys, etc, we unpacked and set up, people stopped in saying welcome</p>

<p>H had to go get three BIG boxes we shipped, and those amazing students drug them up those stairs, again so cheerfully</p>

<p>We too wandered around, marveled at the trees, the green, the helpful people</p>

<p>It was well organized, lots of help everywhere, the students knew what was going on and it was so pleasant</p>

<p>I just sniffled a little, my D was so happy, how could I cry?</p>

<p>We took the RamVan back to Columbus Circle and ate a great dinner, and slept..</p>

<p>It was so easy</p>

<p>I just sent off more supplies, and some cookies!!!</p>

<p>I haven't really cried yet...strange....</p>

<p>D called yesterday to talk about her schedule, she is glad she "has" to take certain classes, otherwise, she may never have done music history</p>

<p>She is tired, but chomping at the bit to "get started"</p>

<p>ALready has homework and is thrilled</p>

<p>did you honestly describe the bronx as "beautiful"?
anyway, sounds awesome, hope I get in.</p>

<p>th campus is amazing, and the some of bronx is no worse then some neighborhoods in my city, and some was lovely and it is NY, so...</p>

<p>if you haven't been to the campus, you won't believe what a beautiful place it really is</p>

<p>I was kidding...the bronx and beautiful are rarely used in conjunction nowadays, though. But yeah, it is exceptionally beautiful.</p>

<p>Much of the Bronx is actually gorgeous.....Fordham has a CD out that was produced by educational television about the Bronx....includes some snaps of Fordham and Fr. McShane talking. But most of the CD is about the amazing parks and some lovely areas...up near Riverdale, over to Pelham Bay etc. The Botanical Gardens, the Bronx Zoo etc. All lovely.</p>

<p>There are seedy areas everywhere, in Charleston SC, Miami, Tampa, LA, Chicago, Cleveland, Baltimore, even Portland Oregon has some nasty areas. </p>

<p>But the Bronx of today is really very nice....many New Yorkers told me its one of the nicest boroughs.</p>

<p>wow, really? man...I had no idea.</p>

<p>It isn't at all. All of the Bronx is a mess with the exception of Morris Park, Throgs Neck, Pelham Bay, Riverdale.</p>

<p>The Bronx is not the Long Island Shore and its pricey be sure, FinanceGuy, but its not as bad as people like to think or say. But pouring mud on it doesnt help either. What I saw was very nice. Would I raise my family there today? No....but I wouldnt do that in Harlem either and Columbia still ranks in the top 5-10 schools in the country and has no shortage of applicants...and people there LOVE it too.</p>

<p>Is all of Boston like Cambridge? NO! Is all of Philadelphia like the Northwest suburbs? NO! Is all of DC like Georgetown or Northwest around American U? NO! Is all of LA like Pasadena and CalTech? NO! Is all of Chicago like Northside and Northwestern? NO! In fact UChicago is a little dicey too.</p>

<p>SO please stop beating up on Fordham's Rose Hill campus and the Bronx. You may well be a native New Yorker, I dont know. But how about a little encouragement and positive thinking?</p>

<p>Wake Forest had a worse security record for its students in the last five years than Fordham. Fact! So does Duke. Durham NC is a veritable hellhole, as some notable lacrosse players found of whom was from Long Island.</p>

<p>good post. friedokra</p>

<p>my D has friends in colleges in the boondooks, with walmart the big attraction</p>

<p>and Harvard is in a wonderful area, but it is not in Boston, it took about as long to get to Harvard from Boston as it took for us to get from Manhattan to Fordham</p>

<p>I live in SF- we have some lovely neighborhoods, and some boring ones, and some dodgey ones</p>

<p>not one school is perfect, not by any stretch</p>

<p>Sure, there are some places I wouldn't want my D to go hang out in in the bronx, just as there are places I wouldn't want her to hang out in Manhattan, or SF, or LA, or Miami, or even Provo....</p>

<p>I guess I'll give my 2 cents worth on the topic of safety in the bronx or other parts of NYC. Please realize my background: I lived in the bronx (northeast) for the first 25 or so years of my life and moved away (compliments of the army) 15 yrs ago, but still visit regularly because of relatives that live there. I'm also a fordham alum who was a commuter student from the 1980's era and my son just started his freshman year.</p>

<p>So...on the topic of safety around fordham, one needs to appreciate and not underestimate the dangers that are in every large city in the US, with NYC being no exception. There is a lot of poverty in NYC, and with this comes crime, sometimes being very violent. Every college located in the five boroughs is a relatively short walk away from the safety of the campus to what we would call "bad areas". I wouldn't venture far away from NYU at night, alone, in the west village because one will walk into criminal elements just as easily as in the bronx. Columbia is very close to Harlem and Washington Heights, in contrast to hunter college and fordham lincoln center which have a larger safe perimeter around them -- but I wouldn't do a stroll through central park late at night by myself. The same can be said about the areas that other NYC colleges are in such as manhattan college, pace, st. john's, queens college, etc. (from memory I think statan island college is in a relatively safe area). Now, some areas may be slightly safer than other areas, but it is NYC and there will be a larger amount of crime in it than the suburbs. It was mentioned of some areas of the bronx that are "safe", but Throgs Neck is a short walk away from E. Tremont and that area, Riverdale may seem safe up on the hill, and with its large religious population, but it is also in walking distance to a much poorer area below it.</p>

<p>The bottom line with being in any large urban city is realizing that there will be a higher percentage risk of being a victim of a crime, possibly a violent one, and making prudent choices of how and when one gets from point a to point b. In my "safe" part of the bronx that I used to live in, only the kids took a train to manhattan or if one couldn't afford the "express bus". But, if one had the money to pay for the higher cost to use the express bus (which basically made stops in our community then went express to midtown manhattan but was twice the cost of a train token each way) one would use this bus in order to avoid the train stops in the south bronx and upper manhattan (thereby reducing your chance of being mugged). </p>

<p>One thing I told my son is that it will never make sense in my head if he decides to walk up fordham road to the grand concourse in order to get on to the D train for manhattan -- when fordham has a very safe and convienent van service between the rose hill and lincoln center campuses. Why do I say this -- because I was a victim of a violent crime in my "safe" part of the bronx, coming home in the evening time not even 8pm, and was shot at point blank range after giving over my money. The two muggers were never caught. This didn't stop me, though, from allowing my son to go to fordham, even though it is in the bronx, or from me still visiting the bronx (or even parking in the same area where I was shot for that matter if there have been no other parking choices even with waiting). Or from taking him over to White Castle one evening after he finished a summer session course at rose hill 2mths ago (now that was a stupid culinary choice).</p>

<p>The bottom line with going to school in NYC, or being a full-time resident of the city, is that one always needs to have an awareness of what's going on around in the street, and try to make the safest choices out of the possibilities given. On that evening when I was robbed and shot, I had safer parking choices, but I would have needed to wait 45-60 minutes for a spot to become available. I parked in an area that I knew extemely well, that was somewhat less safer than the prime parking area, but it was an area that I parked in literally thousands of times prior without any issues. That evening I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. That slightly higher increased chance of being mugged in that area (versus the more safer area) had finally caught up to me. That is why I said to my son that I would be very disappointed in him if he knowingly chooses not to use the RamVan when he wants to hang-out in manhattan, and instead walks to the D train. Sure, it may only be a slight risk of being mugged using the fordham road/D train method, but it will always be a higher risk than using the Ramvan shuttle.</p>

<p>Sorry for the long post, I just felt I had to say it after reading so many posts on "safety" and Fordham. Fordham is as safe or as dangerous as any other school in an urban area, just a lot of common sense needs to be used.</p>


<p>Thanks. Yep. Crime exists in most cities and also in urban areas or even rural areas. My instructions to my D was NEVER EVER travel alone. She also knows to take the Metro North train into the City when possible, with friends, and then otherwise take the RamVan. Though I dont think she will be going into Manhattan that often frankly.</p>

<p>In my opinion, Columbia and NYU are riskier choices. But I am sure people there might disagree.</p>

<p>I am sorry you got mugged in the 80's. Hopefully things have changed a great deal for the better.</p>

<p>One has to make wise choices on EVERY campus. Ditto with Vanderbilt, where if you walk off campus in one direction, its pricey homes, but just one block from the University Hospital and its VERY dicey. Nashville has a lot of crime. They have an escort service ON CAMPUS at night. WashU in St. Louis has the same issues.</p>

<p>My D will go to Manahttan quite a bit, she went there a few months ago by herself, stayed in a hostel and had the best time</p>

<p>she knows when to walk, knows when to take a cab,etc</p>

<p>I am not the least bit worried</p>

<p>IDK my sister goes to Vandy, other than a couple incidents she feels its really safe both on and off campus and hardly anyone uses the escort service. Yes there are the area hobos/beggars but we got that this summer when we were in NYC. I really loved the Morningside Heights neighborhood and I felt safer there than in the burbs of Atlanta, even taking the subway late or randomly walking around alone during the day.</p>

<p>Good for you. Vandy is a great school and I am sure you appreciate that. I wish you the best.</p>

<p>I'm a senior in high school, it's my sister that attends Vandy. Just giving another viewpoint about the safety concerns since I actually experienced both places. I'm applying to LC - Fordham and having stayed most of my summer in NYC I didn't once feel unsafe at Columbia, walking around the neighborhoods at all hours. Personally I wish I could afford to live near Harlem and Morningside Heights its a great area.</p>

<p>Well then, good for you. But being a male is different than being female. I wish you luck and hope you attend Fordham LC, if that is what you want to do.</p>

<p>Wow I sound male? Nope female.</p>

<p>Now, you dont "sound" male, I made a presumption and knew I had a 50/50 chance of being correct. lol. But you are a brave soul to wander around alone at night ANYWHERE in New York, or any large city I might add. Be careful. A positive pollyanna outlook may be good for your mental health, but it is really rather dangerous for your physical safety.</p>


<p>I do hope you get into Fordham.</p>

<p>what was said before about fordham is hard to believe because it's in the bronx, but is completely true. A great campus feel, the botanical garden and bronx zoo literaly across the street. also a couple blocks away is arthur avenue which is a little italy section. there is great food there and a new park. Fordham is a great choice for any body who has the grades.</p>