Move Out - How Much Time to Allow?

<p>DD did pack up quite a bit the night before but we managed to finish packing, clean and load cars in just over 2.5 hours. Biggest advantage we had was she was the first one out of the suite. I think it was fitting that the messiest roomie was the last one out and had to do most of the cleaning!</p>

<p>Mike: If you have the energy to leave AND the actual ability to leave through floors stacked with mouldering, mile-high laundry piles booby-trapping your progress, you are already a better woman than I.</p>

<p>If nobody hears from me in a couple days, send a search party, but for God’s sake, don’t bring the bloodhounds - they don’t deserve this.</p>

<p>All laundry done before we left, all dry cleaning picked up, everything organized and put into storage…washed floors, baseboards, scrubbed the toilet and shower, cleaned baseboards, windowsills, mirrors, doors, vacuumed, cleaned microwave, counters, tables and fridge. :slight_smile: Anyone want to hire us next time?? (lol)</p>

<p>I think I will be happy I did all of S’s laundry at the dorm. Nothing but bags of clean laundry here. :)</p>

<p>Some of us COULD have done laundry at the dorm had someone not packed away the laundry supplies in her OCD packing frenzy. </p>

<p>My hero lattelady did give me some for the things I really wanted to wash before I stored them. :)</p>

<p>I was lucky, it was all neat and pretty clean, just a lot of stuff accumulated over three years… a warning, it all multiplies. Ha Ha</p>

<p>OCD packing ‘frenzies’ reduced a two million hour move-out to a mere million hours of yelling, sweat, blood and tears.</p>

<p>But enough about 2012’s reaction to a bit of efficient packing…</p>

<p>C2012M, glad I could help! Hope you guys didn’t get caught in the deluge. I did and it wasn’t pretty. </p>

<p>I’ll admit to pretty much single-handedly packing up my daughter’s room. She had a very stressful end of the semester and was working on her CBH project literally until midnight last night. I think I spent about 4-5 hours yesterday during the day in her suite, then took a load to storage. Since D was working so late in the lab, I went back to the dorm about 11 last night and loaded up the car with another load for storage, then picked her up at midnight and took her back to the hotel with me. This morning, we dropped off the load and then got to the dorm about 7:45. We finished up, loaded the car for home plus one more stop to the storage unit and checked out about 8:45. So I’m guessing total time of around 7-8 man hours. </p>

<p>I was impressed by the number of young men (students) who offered to give me a hand as I toted things and pushed full carts. Very nice to see well-mannered young men. And that includes C2012M’s son who shared his guest meals with several of us at Lakeside!</p>

<p>Mom don’t fall for the I got to study excuse. Usually the U gives a couple days to move out after the last final. Make your son clean his own room. GL</p>

<p>Not at Alabama soso – the last final time was Friday 7:00 - 9:30 pm. (There were also three other blocks of finals earlier on Friday.) The latest possible check out time was Saturday 10 a.m. – extended to 6:00 p.m. for seniors who graduated today.</p>

<p>Okay, Then he can clean his room before the test. GL</p>