Moving Dorms

<p>Heres the situation. I as a non-varsity athlete, was put into Cochrane, and majority athlete dorm. It's also suite style. My suite includes 8 freshman baseball players, and my roommate is on the tech golf team. The problem is that all of the people in the suite are rarely around, and most other suites have there doors closed so its difficult to meet a lot of people in the building as opposed to a traditional style. When I went to visit a friend at West AJ, all the doors on the hall were open and people were incredibly friendly. Also my roommate has to wake up everyday at either 5:50 or 6:50 and is very annoying. Most of the athletes are pretty nice but they have there predisposed groups that they seem to stick to a lot of the time. I've been going out to the gym, doing intramural sports, plan on rushing a fraternity soon. So I'm hoping to get more involved and meet a lot more people So I feel like I haven't give this dorm its due quite yet but seems to hold me back a bit. So I'm seriously considering attempting to switch dorms in about 2 weeks when its elidgable. Also during the spring the entire dorm will be mostly empty considering most of the athletes in the dorm- baseball, soccer, lacrosse, track- will be at games and events frequently. I feel like I should give this some more time, but i also feel like I didn't come to Virginia tech to be the only one in a dorm that is frequently empty and if not full of arrogant pricks. So I'm just not sure if I should stick it out and suffer a little and it will probably take a bit longer to get connected with people or if I should switch dorms and be able to connect with people quicker who are not quite as clickly/arrogant.</p>

<p>From what you are describing, it sounds like attempting to transfer to another dorm would make sense if things don’t improve for you. My son was in one of the all male freshman dorms in 2009 and made lots of friends on his floor. If most of the kids with you are teammates already, it sounds like you are the odd man out. You may want to contact housing and see if they can get you into a typical freshman dorm where there are not so many student-athletes. My son is athletic, played on one of the club teams last year but I really don’t think he would have wanted to be in a dorm with virtually all varsity athletes as you describe. Good luck!</p>

<p>I say stick with it. Meet people through ECs or class groups. They’ll be more likely to have similar interests than other freshmen in random dorms. You’ll also get to meet upperclassmen, some of which you may enjoy hanging out with more.</p>

<p>Don’t take this the wrong way; I completely understand where you are coming from… but, there are many, many ways to meet new people here.</p>

<p>It sounds like you know the right ways (intramural sports, etc.), but you’re glorifying the open door setting of the ‘hall style’ dorms. Enjoy the ‘relative’ quiet in the dorm; you’ll get used to having an early rising roommate. </p>

<p>If you’re switching into an empty space; I’d say the chances are fairly high you’ll have a new batch of issues and complaints (likely more harrowing) with the new dorm.</p>

<p>Take it upon yourself to meet people; find a couple of close friends to move off-campus with next year; and you’ll be fine. It goes by so unbelievably quick, don’t waste it.</p>