Moving in with boyfriend

So i am 20 years old and i have been dating a guy for almost 2 months and he and i have the same goals in life to be together and have children. I am in college to get my associates for American Sign Language and i want to move in with my boyfriend and his family now thing i want to know is if that would be right for my parents or how you all think my parents would react towards this

I wouldn’t be happy if my kid did this, 2 months is nothing. I moved in with my husband 5 years after we started dating, 5 years after we graduated college. My daughter just broke up with her boyfriend of 8 years, she’s been living with him and his mom for the last 3 years. Moving in with a family you just met doesn’t sound like a good idea.


As a father of a 19 year old (not quite your age, but close enough), I’d be very concerned if my daughter wanted to move in with someone she met only 2 months ago.


Are you close with either your mom or dad? Could you have a conversation one on one and discuss what you are thinking? Or perhaps you have an older, wiser friend you could speak with for some counsel? I agree with the others 2 months of dating is not enough time to make this sort of move.


I would be very concerned. You’ve only been dating for 2 months and that is too soon to move in together. You hardly know him or his family. At least wait until you’re done with college.

I would also seek to understand your motivations and determine if it was something I could help with (e.g. financial assistance to live on your own).

You say you have the same goals in life, but an unexpected pregnancy right now will alter the trajectory of your life. Live on your own or with your family. Finish college. If he is a decent guy, then he will be understanding and patient.


Absolutely not! You are young, do not have an established career and barely know this person (2 months???).


Whatever about your parents, what about you?

Moving in is so, so much easier than moving out. It’s easy to see all sunshine and roses in the honeymoon phase- defined as:

“The honeymoon phase is an early part of a couple’s relationship where everything seems carefree and happy. It usually lasts from six months to two years and can be marked with lots of laughs, intimacy, and fun dates.”

Enjoy it! But…

"The honeymoon phase isn’t meant for big decisions for the relationship to be made,” she says. “I don’t recommend buying property together, moving in, or getting engaged during the honeymoon phase.”

Read it all here: Read this:

What Is the Honeymoon Phase and How Long Does It Last?.

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After only 2 months? I would not be happy as a mother.

With all due respect, you are 20 years old and have been together 2 months. You may well be right and it’s in the stars, but for many people, who they are at 25 and 30 is quite different from who they are 20. Many people don’t even really know who they are at 20. And after 2 months together, you don’t yet know if you have long term compatibility. Maybe you do. If so, great. And if so, it will still be true 6 months from now, a year from now, etc. when you can consider what the best next step is for your relationship.


Date first for a long period of time. This would not go over well with me. Just asking the question is showing your maturity level. I don’t mean that against you so please don’t take that the wrong way :smirk:. So the question is… Why the rush to live together?


What is the rush? Is this a serious post? “Almost” two months of dating and being only 20 years old seems like a recipe for disaster.

What does this statement mean? If you are asking if your parents are going to be okay with your idea, then you surely realize that the answer is probably no. No parent anywhere is going to like your idea.

Is the guy pressuring you? What is your thought process behind this? Many people want to have kids. That on its own isn’t a good enough reason to move in with someone you barely know. And moving in with his family is absolutely not a good idea. Most couples who plan a future together don’t typically include the partner’s family as part of their future. It’s a great way to ruin your relationship.


I’m no prude and I’m pretty liberal, but I wouldn’t be happy with this if it was my kid. 20 is very young, people change a lot during their 20’s. Also, 2 months of dating is not that long. And if I was in a relationship, I wouldn’t want to live with my significant other’s family…

i’m slightly older than you (aka, we would’ve been in HS together), and i’m going to firmly say absolutely not. you have known each other for two months. unless you attend an institution such as BYU where that is arguably the norm, there is just no way.

Closing. The OP has posted once 2 months ago and never returned

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