MSU transfer student trouble 2019

Hey, all! I am looking to transfer to Michigan State starting the fall of 2019. I applied in November 2018, and just recently heard back about my application. I got an email saying there was an update to my account and that I should check it out. When I got onto my account, it said that I was admissible to the college. My major is veterinary technology, so they mentioned that there was a separate application process for that major, which I have already completed. It mentioned that they will notify me of my acceptance when the college of veterinary medicine receives my application. So I guess I have a few questions. First of all, will I receive a letter of acceptance in the mail or will I only get that email that I already got? Also, I am confused what to do now. I read that once you are accepted you will need to set up your NetID and MSU email. I tried to do that but it said that it requires a Pin number (PPID) and a Pan number, which it said you can find on your account. I can find my PPID number easily, but I have no clue how to find my Pan number. Anyone know how I can find it? Sorry for the long post, and thanks in advance!

The exact same thing happened to me today! However, I am applying for the college of business. So it basically told me that the college of business has not yet accepted me but I am admissible. I am very confused as to what this means as well. Have you heard anything else?

Once the vet tech college makes a decision, your application status will tell you in the portal. In the worst case, you won’t get accepted by the vet tech school and will have to re-apply when all the pre-reqs and stuff are finished. Since your are admissible, it basically means that you are already in MSU.

Hey! So I recently emailed the office of admissions so that I could hopefully get some answers. They basically said that I am admissible but I am not admitted. So basically I can’t move on with the admissions process until I get accepted by my specific program. Hope that helps a little!