Music Business?

<p>Anyone else apply for ED for music business?</p>

<p>me! i’m so nervous, i’m terrified my audition tape will be what kills me.</p>

<p>and does anyone know what % acceptance rate the music business program has? i know i read somewhere (i think the nyu forums) that they enroll on average about 35 kids a year, but they didn’t say how many apply overall…</p>

<p>yeah i heard that too. i don’t think a huge number apply, even though i’m sure it’s very competitive. since we both applied for ED to the program though, they don’t really have a limit set on how many people get admitted into the program which means that therefore, we both have a better chance!</p>

<p>by the way, just out of curiosity, what is your instrument and what did you play for your audition?</p>

<p>and also, on the nyu music business website, it says that great musical talent isn’t required for the program. therefore, i’m sure you’ll be fine with your audition as long as you didn’t play a guitar store anthem i.e. smoke on the water, sweet home alabama, enter sandman…</p>

<p>i hope so! i play bass guitar, and i played a cover of summer skin with my band and i transcribed the keyboard part of woodpecker from mars by faith no more. i don’t think i’m horrible or anything, i’m just not a bass prodigy, haha. what about you?</p>

<p>i play guitar and i played a song with my band that had a solo in it. i also played a jazz version of amazing grace.</p>

<p>By the music business do you mean the Clive Davis program? What kind of “entrepreneur” did you apply as - performing?</p>

<p>^^^no they mean Music business at Steinhardt----they require a 5 minute tape while Clive davis requires a creative sample portfolio</p>

<p>yeah. actually it was more of an 7 or 8 minute tape. you had to play two pieces on an instrument. then you had to sing a major scale ascending and descending. then you had to sing happy birthday to yourself. those parts were pretty lame. but i think they wanted to weed out any applicants who were tone deaf haha</p>

<p>They basically have you submit an audition tape to make sure you have enough musical ability to be a music major and excel at all the theory, aural training and keyboarding that is required of all music majors at Steinhardt. These classes are open to all music majors, so the music business majors will be mixed in with the performance and compostion majors and must have enough musical ability to keep up.</p>

<p>For the same reason, the music business progam looks very hard at math scores and what math classes were taken in high school (ie. calculus) because the business part of the major are Stern classes and the music business majors must have good math skills to keep up.</p>

<p>D is a vocal performance major at nyu, but was considering music business. We went to one of their open houses and got this info from the head of the program.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>