Music opportunities

<p>I play violin but I am not planning on majoring in music. I would like to continue it as a extracurricular activity. I'm just wondering what kinds of music ensembles there are at Duke for non music majors?</p>

<p>As far as I know there are no "majors only" ensembles at Duke. (maybe there is like a quartet or something I don't know about?) But the Chorale (which I am in, not really relevant to violin but still) the Symphony orchestra, and the other orchestra are all available to whoever wants to try out.</p>

<p>*oh and DUMB but again, not really relevant for violin</p>

<p>Hi foreverec and SirGecko! There are definitely a lot of music opportunities available, and SirGecko is correct in that there are no major-only ensembles (there are VERY few music majors at Duke). For violin, there’s [Duke</a> Symphony Orchestra](<a href=“Symphony Orchestra | Department of Music”>Symphony Orchestra | Department of Music) as well as [Duke</a> Chamber Players](<a href=“]Duke”> You could also form a chamber group.</p>

<p>Annnd, I just realized I’m commenting on the 2012 thread, which is probably not helpful to anyone. Anyway, there are many other musical opportunities, from Chorale to Chapel Choir to Wind Symphony to Opera Workshop to Hoof n Horn (musical theatre) and other things. </p>

<p>SirGecko, there’s a very good chance I know you :P, as I’m now a fourth-year chorale member.</p>