My best friend adopted a baby....

<p>Yes. She's 17, a senior in high school, and she adopted a baby girl from Uganda. She can't legally take her (here) until she's 22 or so, but she sends $ every month. Her parents had no say, according to her. She's very mature, like an adult.</p>

<p>Instead of going to college this fall, she's living abroad in Uganda, working at a shelter for disabled children. My heart bleeds for her and I admire her strenth so much......</p>

<p>However: I wouldn't say that I'm jealous.....but I want to be as good as her......I want to accomplish something as deep and profound as the act of adopting a child from a 3rd world country and living there for 8 months or so, maybe a lifetime.</p>

<p>Deep down, I want to go to college so's all I ever think about. That's what most kids do. But then she comes around mentioning that she has a's, I can't top that. The last thing on my mind is (having) a child.</p>

<p>By going to college, I just don't feel like I'm......doing enough. Contributing to the world in an unselfish manor. Like I'm helping only myself. Like I'm being selfish......</p>

<p>Advice? I feel horrible about my decision.</p>

<p>That’s a great thing that she’s doing, and you’re right to admire her for that. But you don’t have to look down on yourself for it. Instead, let it inspire you to do something selfless of your own! In the short term, you can get involved with a local charity, volunteer your time to help promote a worthy cause, or help out at a shelter. In the long term, take your time in college to figure out how you can use your degree/skills/knowledge/etc. to serve others. That’s a beautiful thing, and you’re on the right track to want to help people like your friend is doing.</p>