<p>Yes. She's 17, a senior in high school, and she adopted a baby girl from Uganda. She can't legally take her (here) until she's 22 or so, but she sends $ every month. Her parents had no say, according to her. She's very mature, like an adult.</p>
<p>Instead of going to college this fall, she's living abroad in Uganda, working at a shelter for disabled children. My heart bleeds for her and I admire her strenth so much......</p>
<p>However: I wouldn't say that I'm jealous.....but I want to be as good as her......I want to accomplish something as deep and profound as the act of adopting a child from a 3rd world country and living there for 8 months or so, maybe a lifetime.</p>
<p>Deep down, I want to go to college so bad......it's all I ever think about. That's what most kids do. But then she comes around mentioning that she has a child......it's like....wow, I can't top that. The last thing on my mind is (having) a child.</p>
<p>By going to college, I just don't feel like I'm......doing enough. Contributing to the world in an unselfish manor. Like I'm helping only myself. Like I'm being selfish......</p>
<p>Advice? I feel horrible about my decision.</p>