My chance to UT?

<p>Hi ~</p>

<p>I am a senior in TX. </p>

<p>First, i wanted to apply for Petroleum Engineering.
but i saw some threads that recommended applying for easier majors when SAT and GPA are lower than average.
So, i would apply for college of geoscience and undeclared for second choice.</p>

<p>Does anybody know about how hard it is to get into college of geoscience?
i will definitely transfer to Petroleum Engineering after finishing freshmen year.</p>

<p>I got 1240 on SAT. (M: 700/ CR: 540)
AND i will take Dec. test and ACT also.</p>

<p>Weighted GPA : 4.5/6
Ranked 56/372 (it's about 15%)
Ap : calculus - 4
art drawing - 3
Five AP classes in Senior year</p>

<p>130+ Volunteer hours in organizations and churches
Science Club - Treasurer - State competitions
NHS member for 3 years
International Club Historian
National Art Honor Society - Treasurer/Historian</p>

<p>I am pretty sure that i will get higher scores on SAT,
but i want to know about the possibility of getting into UT as of NOW.</p>

<p>Thanks for reading !</p>

<p>You probably won’t get into the School of Engineering, probably like a 30% chance you get in at all. If you can get like a 30 on your ACT, then that will really up your chances I think. I would suggest getting a review book and look it over for a week. I did that before I took the ACT for the first time, and I did really well because there are a couple tricks that make the Science section trivial.</p>