My Chances At Emory ED Round II?

<p>Yea so I applied to Georgetown Early Action and I should be getting my rejection letter tomorrow. Because of my certainity of rejection, I've already begun planning of a possible ED II school and after visiting Emory fell in love with it. However, I kinda was just wondering what my chances were and if I was wasting my time since Emory is really competitive. Any feedback or input would be a great help guys!</p>


<p>SAT - 1430/2030 (Crit Reading- 760) (Math- 670) (Writing- 600) *Only took it once but from what I know EMory doesn't really look at Writing too heavily
SAT II - World History - 620 Math 1 - 640 Literature- 600
GPA - Not sure, but probably around a 3.5-3.7 (definitely my weak point)
Rank - No Rank</p>


<p>Essays: Personal Statement I'd say is pretty solid (about my arab heritage and travels)
Teacher Recs: I waived my right to see them but both are brilliant teachers that I have an incredible relationship with so I'm assuming really good
Counselor Rec: I'd also say pretty good considering we know each other well
Hook: Well I'm Arab (Half Lebanese/Half Egyptian) and have dual citizenship from Egypt so I'm a pretty unique minority. Also, I've got some extensive traveling experiences (over 40 countries)</p>


<p>Location: Queens, New York
High School Type: SMALL Private School, moderately competitive
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
Gender: M
Applied for Financial Aid: No</p>


<p>Extra Curriculars: Co-chair of my student government, Captain of Varsity Soccer Team, President/Co-Founder of Amnesty International, President of Math League, President of Model United Nations, Varisty Tennis member, Contributor to school newspaper, Vice-President of Community Service Club. I spent a month in rural Tanzanian village with a student travel group to do commnity serivce projects (mostly working at a primary school teaching English and building a classroom). Following year I did a similar one to madagascar working on a deforesation project for a month. I also interned at the Arab league in Lebanon for a month doing adminstrative and clerical work. I've traveled to over 40 countries so thats pretty unique? (But also shows that I'm over privileged)</p>

<p>Awards- Nothing really, just Excellence in Geometry for 10th grade</p>

<p>Anyways this whole college thing is really freaking me and as soon as I receive my rejection from Georgetown I'm ready to move on and look at other schools. Emory seemed like a really good fit and offered ED Round II so I was just curious on what my chances were. Thanks</p>

<p>I guess you are in.</p>

<p>Pretty decent chances. GPA is a tad low, but it really falls back on your essays. If you kept them interesting, I'd say you've got a good shot.</p>

<p>(I don't think Emory cares about overprivileged students :). From what I've heard, many students come from relatively affluent backgrounds.)</p>

<p>Just curious, though. Why have you traveled so much? I've never even been out of the US!</p>

<p>thanks for the feedback. The reason we travel so much is because my parents are mercenaries who secretly work for the CIA... Haha just kidding! Naw we are just very fortunate and its kind of my parents' passion. They think that the best thing they can do with their good fortunate is educate me through "understanding" culture first hand</p>

<p>Yup, you have agreat chance</p>

<p>yea, I just got deferred from Georgetown today so your input is encouraging...</p>