<p>Yea so I applied to Georgetown Early Action and I should be getting my rejection letter tomorrow. Because of my certainity of rejection, I've already begun planning of a possible ED II school and after visiting Emory fell in love with it. However, I kinda was just wondering what my chances were and if I was wasting my time since Emory is really competitive. Any feedback or input would be a great help guys!</p>
<p>SAT - 1430/2030 (Crit Reading- 760) (Math- 670) (Writing- 600) *Only took it once but from what I know EMory doesn't really look at Writing too heavily
SAT II - World History - 620 Math 1 - 640 Literature- 600
GPA - Not sure, but probably around a 3.5-3.7 (definitely my weak point)
Rank - No Rank</p>
<p>Essays: Personal Statement I'd say is pretty solid (about my arab heritage and travels)
Teacher Recs: I waived my right to see them but both are brilliant teachers that I have an incredible relationship with so I'm assuming really good
Counselor Rec: I'd also say pretty good considering we know each other well
Hook: Well I'm Arab (Half Lebanese/Half Egyptian) and have dual citizenship from Egypt so I'm a pretty unique minority. Also, I've got some extensive traveling experiences (over 40 countries)</p>
<p>Location: Queens, New York
High School Type: SMALL Private School, moderately competitive
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
Gender: M
Applied for Financial Aid: No</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars: Co-chair of my student government, Captain of Varsity Soccer Team, President/Co-Founder of Amnesty International, President of Math League, President of Model United Nations, Varisty Tennis member, Contributor to school newspaper, Vice-President of Community Service Club. I spent a month in rural Tanzanian village with a student travel group to do commnity serivce projects (mostly working at a primary school teaching English and building a classroom). Following year I did a similar one to madagascar working on a deforesation project for a month. I also interned at the Arab league in Lebanon for a month doing adminstrative and clerical work. I've traveled to over 40 countries so thats pretty unique? (But also shows that I'm over privileged)</p>
<p>Awards- Nothing really, just Excellence in Geometry for 10th grade</p>
<p>Anyways this whole college thing is really freaking me and as soon as I receive my rejection from Georgetown I'm ready to move on and look at other schools. Emory seemed like a really good fit and offered ED Round II so I was just curious on what my chances were. Thanks</p>