My Chances For Purdue PrePharm Programs?

Freshman: 14 Credits
Algebra 1 (A/A)
Biology (A/A)
English (A/A)
Geo and History of the World (A/A)
Interpersonal Relationships (A/-)
Spanish 1 (A/A)
Intro 3D Art (A/-)
Nutrition and Wellness (A/-)
Preparing for College (A/-)

Sophomore: 15 Credits
Algebra II (A/A)
Geometry (A/A)
Honors Chem (A/B)
English (A/A)
Intro 2D Art (A/-)
PE (A/A)
Spanish II (A/A)
Speech (A/-)
Ceramics (A/-)

Junior: 14 Credits
PreCalc (A/B)
Spanish III (A/B)
English (A/B)
AP Biology (B/B) - 4 on AP Test
AP US History (A/A)
Etymology (A/-)
Physics (A/A)
Ceramics II (A/-)

Incoming Senior: 12 Credits
AP Chem (-/-)
English (-/-)
AP AB Calc (-/-)
Sociology (-)
Anatomy (-/-)
Econ (-)
Gov’t (-)
Genetics (-)
Current Unweighted GPA: 3.8605
SAT: 560 English + 600 Math = 1160… I know it’s not great but I am taking it 2 more times to superscore.
Extracurricular: I don’t do any at school because I have no interest in them nor do I have the time during the school year. I volunteer at the local food bank often so I don’t know if that counts. I am part of the Health and Human Science Club at my school.

Work hard to get your SAT score up! Along with GPA and course rigor, standardized tests is the other component that Purdue weighs the heaviest. (See their common data set).

Pre-pharm wants to see 2 semesters of HS physics. I would drop genetics and sociology and take physics in their place.

ECs don’t have to be done at school and of course your food bank volunteering counts.

I already took two courses of physics but it’s not AP so is that ok?

Yes, I’m so sorry! Totally missed that. And yes, it’s fine that it’s not AP!