My Chances.. I applied EA

<p>I am from Rhode Island and I go to a New England prep school. I applied EA (yes, I know I will be hearing within the next like 11 days lol). I plan to major in Motion Pictures and I have yet to choose a second major.
School does not rank.
GPA UW: about 3.4 or so (I had a 4.0 at my previous private school that was a less challenging school)
SAT Writing: 720
SAT Math: 660
SAT Critical Reading: 580
3 APs and about 4 or so honors
Academic Programs: University of Miami Summer Scholar Program (earned 6 credits for filmmaking).. got my professors to write recs as well
Volunteer work: Tutor, Tour Guide, Global Partner, etc.
Work Experience: Ice Hockey Referee, Ice Hockey Scorekeeper, Concession Stand Cashier
Sports: Varsity Ice Hockey for 5 years (All-State, All-Division, All-Freshmen, and Rookie of the Year), JV Crew, JV Field Hockey
Academic Awards: National Honor Society, Elementary Functions Awards
Arts: film/video, studio art, ceramics
Clubs: Gay Straight Alliance, Young Republicans Club, Community Service Club, Schools for Schools, Culturally Aware Society, etc.</p>

<p>i would say yoyou have a 50 / 50 shot =P</p>

<p>thanks… I have been accepted to Florida State, Central Florida, Drexel, Ithaca, and VCU so far. I’m 5 for 5, which makes me even more nervous that UM will be my first rejection</p>

<p>i would like to hear if you get accepted or not!
my stats are pretty close to yours (with different clubs and work things obviously), but im only a sophmore so i can’t apply yet, haha</p>

<p>I will let you know…
also, I forgot to mention that my SAT essay score was a 10.</p>