My Chances of Getting Into UC's?

So, everyone is applying like crazy this month to ensure they have everything for their application, me included!
I want to know if applying to UC’s is even worth it, with my grades and such…

GPA: 3.83
SAT (new): 1160
EC’s: Academic Decathlon (was a starter), Anime Club, CSF (all for two years)
I’ve given my essays to teachers, friends, and family to read and they all said I am a very gifted writer and, I know, I’m hoping that my essays are the thing that get me into the UC’s.
ALSO - I’m applying to become a chemical / computer engineer

IM ALSO in an Space and Engineering Academy at my high school
I have done over 50 hours of community service

For Anime Club, I was treasurer for the two years.

I would say UCM is a match, UCR and UCSC would be low reaches, and the rest of the UC’s high reaches. I would recommend signing up for the december SAT or ACT and fully commit to doing well on one of those boosting your SAT score 50 points would make UCSC and UCR matches. Because at this point senior grades won’t make a difference for admission(just don’t fail)Best of luck.

Is that UC GPA?
I would try to increase SAT, by studying a lot. 1300+ would be nice, for lower UC’s.
UCSC and UCR are on the low spectrum for UC’s, along with UCM, but UCR and UCSC are still great colleges with good engineering. I think UCSC is kinda better for Computer engineering as it is closer to silicon valley area, however it doesn’t have chemE unlike UCR. Both are good, unless you want to go to CSU’s. Focus on SAT if you want a good chance.

Freshman admit rates (2016) for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 (capped weighted) and not major specific:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

I agree with above posters that with your GPA and test scores, the target UC’s are Merced/Riverside and Santa Cruz. UCSB/UCI and UCD are worth an application but your SAT is below the 25th percentile along with a below average GPA. Write some great essays and it could help your chances but applying for Engineering will be tough. Add a few Cal states for some solid Match and safety schools.

I agree with the consensus above - UCM and UCR are your best shots. SC could go either way. I’d also apply to CPP and SDSU.

Good luck.