My closest friends didn't wish me a happy 18th birthday

This is actually the second year in a row.only 1 out of my 3 closest friends that i see every day at school told me happy birthday, but so many of my old friends did. i feel like my friends now are just very inconsiderate. It is today, and i have reminded them before christmas break and on new years mentioned it. It makes me feel so insignificant and unappreciated for all of the work i put into our friendship, because i feel like they never do the same for me. My feelings are definitely hurt and i know they dont have a lot going on today. how can i make myself fe
Update: feel better, like it just makes me feel so crummy. It will especially be embarrassing when they inevitably find out tomorrow and my entire class of kids finds out that my closest friends didn’t care enough about me to wish me happy bday… uggghhhh :frowning:

Dang that sucks :frowning:

Or more accurately: 2/3 of your closest friends suck. Maybe it would make sense if you didn’t tell them but they sound like they’re not good friends to you at all. I have the memory of a goldfish and I could remember something like that, especially for a close friend. You deserve better.

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! <:-P
Internet hug >:D<
Your friends are inconsiderate and you deserve way better. If this is how they act all the time then maybe you need to reevaluate your friendships.

Honestly I don’t know any of my close friends birthdays.

@loquatical @IAmNotCreativ thank you two internet hug back !i genuinely needed to hear that and it improved my day <3 i’m going to try to make this year about finding better relationships and not settling for less than i deserve!