my college list: chances/ suggestions?

<p>i'm going to be a senior this fall, i have a pretty large list of potential colleges so far.
any advice on my current list or suggestions for more would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>background: female, hispanic, nj
GPA: 4.2 w
Rank: 20/319
SAT: 1980 (cr: 600, math: 650, writing: 730) taking them one more time, aiming for 2000
ACT: 29
AP: 3s on APUSH and Computer Science, taking 3 more senior year
Extra curriculars: national honor society, spanish honors society, multiple clubs (community service hours required for club membership), softball, volleyball</p>

<p>any more information needed?</p>

<p>My college list:
University of Delaware
University of Maryland
SUNY Binghamton
Villanova (Reach)
Lehigh (Reach)</p>

<p>please help me out, thanks!</p>

<p>You picked a good list for your background. I think that you will get into most of these and all of these are withiin your grasp. If you can get the SAT CR plus Math up to 1300, you will stand an even better chance, especially with TCNJ, Maryland, Villanova, and Lehigh</p>

<p>Thanks! That’s definitely what I’m aiming for come October</p>