<p>i'm going to be a senior this fall, i have a pretty large list of potential colleges so far.
any advice on my current list or suggestions for more would be greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>background: female, hispanic, nj
GPA: 4.2 w
Rank: 20/319
SAT: 1980 (cr: 600, math: 650, writing: 730) taking them one more time, aiming for 2000
ACT: 29
AP: 3s on APUSH and Computer Science, taking 3 more senior year
Extra curriculars: national honor society, spanish honors society, multiple clubs (community service hours required for club membership), softball, volleyball</p>
<p>any more information needed?</p>
<p>My college list:
University of Delaware
University of Maryland
SUNY Binghamton
Villanova (Reach)
Lehigh (Reach)</p>
<p>please help me out, thanks!</p>