<p>I went to my school counselor and gave him the 10 Counselor rec. forms. He had actually asked me to fill his Name,email etc. After he returned the forms I noticed he had signed at two places. One at the appropriate place and other below his email address. He has two email IDs.</p>
<p><a href="mailto:xxxxx17@xxxx.com">xxxxx17@xxxx.com</a> and the other <a href="mailto:xxxxx70@xxxx.com">xxxxx70@xxxx.com</a> so he wanted to give the previous one but had earlier asked me to enter the latter. So he cut the 70 and put in 17 and signed below it.</p>
<p>Actually, your counselor should give his official e-mail address associated with his job since he is conducting business. IF your GC has a school e-mail address, this is the address he should be using (if he does not have a school e-mail, he should request one.</p>
<p>for example if he worked for the NYC deptatment of education his emal address would be</p>
<p>Does your school send out a profile to colleges?</p>
<p>If yes, then your GC should have some consitency where the e-mail on the profile or other information that he sends out to the colleges, should be the same e-mail he uses for all applications.</p>
<p>please for heavens sake, do you think colleges care if a counselor does that?</p>
<p>so it seems that he had one email address on all forms, and now wants to use another, so he rewrote the new one andsigned his name so they would realize it was his change</p>
<p>what is the big deal, if you don't think forms go to colleges from GC with white outs, marks, etc, get real</p>
<p>don't go back and ask him to redo all forms for you that is ludicrus</p>
<p>you are complaining about two signatures</p>
<p>ever see a check with a mistake, the writer corrects the mistake and initials the change</p>
<p>the fact that you SAW what he wrote is strange enough, that is usually not for students eyes</p>
<p>just let it go</p>
<p>your going to him and saying, You need to do these over again, will not go over well, as the mistake is not a big one at all</p>
<p>colleges see errors like that all the time and give it no mind, they know GC are really busy </p>
<p>what is the big deal, that the GC corrected himself and did it in a professional way? he signed under his email for a reason, and he was smart to do that, so he was indeed thinking</p>
<p>Your counselor made a minor mistake while filling out 10 forms for you, and presumably hundreds of other forms for other students, and you choose to post here and call him a dork?</p>