So I’m a 10th grader, just finished first semester and just got ny first B in high school. Hilariously its an 89.4 and since my school doesn’t have the +/- system its worth just as much as a 79.5. Anyway, this B is in AP human geography. This semester I managed to get an A in AP Psych, AP Stat, and Eng 2 Honors (only 4 classes per semester). While my GPA is still somehow higher than almost everyone in my grade and school, this is B is ticking me off an a whole other level. I don’t exactly want a ‘what are my chances’ from you guys, but would a place like Duke or MIT still think about me and love me if I have a B in an AP class? Since I know the first response is going to say something along the lines of “they will look at everything about you”, here is everything about me:
-4.47 weighted GPA (All A freshman year with 5 honors classes)
-several ap classes (present and future)
-works at chick Fil a
-on swim team (not that fast but still)
-frequent debate club
-was featured in yearbook for acedemic stuff
-potential Cisco job shadowing thing
-programming (Good with Java, still learning)
-learning how to make mobile apps (trying to have one or two published by the end of the year)
-Die hard gamer (love rocket league)
-great sense of humor
-haven’t been suspended yet
Will they still love me?!