My first D. now what?

<p>i’m the average honors kid with A’s and B’s. This senior year i really messed up. This is what i predict my 1st semester grades to be:
AP Lit- B
AP Physics- C (possible B)
AP Gov- C
AP Calc- D
Peer Counseling- A
Art History- A</p>

<p>i’ve never had a C on my transcript let alone a D. i’m ELC eligible but now i fear i just lost my guaranteed admission to UCI, UCD, UCR, and UCSB. </p>

<p>now what? can i drop AP Calc without colleges knowing and become a TA? is there any way i can explain myself? i’m really stressed out my hard work won’t pay off.</p>

<p>you really don’t want a d especially in a math class. c’s are alright but you’ll want to at least maintain a overall 3.0 senior year (small differences for each uc). students that get accepted to uci/ucsb/ucd/ucb/ucsd/ucla usually get their acceptance rescinded once getting a d in a class. i’m not sure about elc but i’m certain it is similar if not the same to nonelc.</p>

<p>isn’t it a bit late to drop a semester class? if you do receive a d, you’ll obviously need to address it in some way. ask your guidance counselor. even if you address it, the chance for acceptance is low.</p>

<p>Get a tutor and pull up that D to a C and the physics C to a B.</p>

<p>what’s worse, dropping a class completely or sticking with a D? i heard colleges look down on both but wouldn’t dropping a class mean no D therefore maintaining my guaranteed admission through ELC? it’s too late to transfer to regular Calc and i really preferred that because my D would change to a C once i transferred.</p>

<p>if you really think you will 100% fail the class, you’d want to drop. but dropping will still be a big problem for you whether your hs lets you even drop the class or how the uni will react to it (not very well). also, they can extrapolate from your transcript that your withdrawal is most likely from a failing grade due to your inconsistencies in grades in senior year. you’re basically giving up passing the class and hoping they won’t cancel your acceptance or cripple your admission.</p>

<p>again, talk with your guidance counselor for details.</p>

<p>my guess, or my preferred guess which i think should be allowed, is if the eligibility from ELC is revoked because of the D, you should have until the next grade to raise it to an A</p>

<p>that’s my personal opinion, but hey! im me, UC’s are UC, they obviously rule their system haha.</p>

<p>but yeah see your counselor and ask them. worst comes to worst… GET THAT D up to an A which will show your improvement, and hopefully UCs may think about that D as negligible because of some accident or something.</p>

<p>speaking of which i just got a really good idea… see what your guidance counselor says first, then if he or she says ur screwed then go to the UC app, and go to the addition comments (for the essay portion) and write WHY you got a D (now make sure its a good reason, not because you refused to study and was smoking too much pot or something, something like overload at work, or someone died in your family, or something… DO NOT FABRICATE IDEAS FOR SYMPATHY- thats just wrong…)</p>

<p>but other CCers please confirm my method, cuz im not 100% sure this is right.</p>

<p>good luck man! and try harderr</p>

<p>i’m okay with explaining my D’s because i have a legitimate reason why this year hasn’t been so great. i just hope they believe me because my drama is pretty drastic.</p>