My friend wants to know if he'll get his admissions revoked

<p>he doesn't get 60 units by spring semester prior to transfer, will his admissions get revoked?</p>

<p>are there any exceptions to this?</p>

<p>i think he might not pass his brit lit class (not a major pre req) but he has igetc done</p>

<p>anyone else have this problem?</p>

<p>having less than 60 units is crucial.. it's a lot more important than getting igetc or major pre-req done.
hope they let him take some classes in summer.</p>

<p>Depends on the school. Davis accepted me despite thinking I would have completed my 60 units only at the end of summer</p>

<p>After considering AP scores and the courses taken at the CCC, my friend was 0.5 units short and had her admission taken away.</p>

<p>u can do it in summer*</p>