My gpa is higher after applying to UC's?

<p>Hi I am new here, I tried googling this question but could not find an direct answer, maybe someone can help me.</p>

<p>Im a california community college student in my second year wanting to transfer in the Fall of 2012. I just finished my 2011 Fall semester and have one more semester left in the Spring 2012 before I transfer. In my UC application I applied to UCBerkeley, UCSB, UCLA,and UCSC (This is in order of preference).
My gpa was 3.58 when I applied and filled out my University of California Admissions application before Nov. 30.
I just received my 2011 Fall semester grades. I received all A's for all 12 units. This raises my gpa up to 3.8 or somewhere around there as of today. I plan on getting good grades next spring too and that would raise my gpa even more so.
I worked really hard this past semester so that I could be a competitive admit, as you need a 3.7-3.85 for Berkeley to be a competitive admit, and my major is a popular one, pysch, so I really would like to show UC admissions that I have raised my gpa and plan to raise it even more next spring before transfer..</p>

<p>So my question is will the uc admissions(universities) look at my GPA right before transfer before they decide to accept me or not? Do all the schools wait or do they accept or reject in 4 to 6 weeks from Nov 30?
Because I'm under the impression you will find out what UC's you were accepted to 4-6 weeks after Nov 30 or in january. This would mean they will not see my new GPA and I would less likely get in to these schools if this is true. Because the gpa that I have now is not as nearly as competitive as the gpa that I will transfer with.
So many things can happen after a year (two semesters) after applying. You could lower or raise your gpa. So it would make more sense for them to wait right until you finish your Community course work and final gpa before deciding whether or not to accept you.</p>

<p>Don't they want to wait to see what your final gpa/grades were for the last two semesters before transfer? </p>

<p>Does anyone know how this all works?</p>


<p>Go to the general UC forum and ask </p>

<p>[University</a> of California - GENERAL - College Confidential](<a href=“]University”>University of California - GENERAL - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>They should be able to help you.</p>