my parents are being ridiculous...

<p>Well I decided to post this in the parent forum because I want some opinions from parents to try to find out why my own aren't understanding me. I made a list, merely a list, of schools I'm interested in looking at—ranging from reach schools like Ivy League schools and top LACs to safety schools (financial and academic). One of those schools was SUNY New Paltz— I've heard a lot about its atmosphere and it seems like a really nice environmental (the town, the student body, etc). I also have Binghamton, Geneseo, and Stony Brook on the list. Unfortunately, my parents just can't seem to understand WHY I would want to go to SUNY New Paltz. My mom thinks that since its not prestigious I shouldn't even consider it. I tried to explain to her why it was on the list—because it's academically and financially probably a safety yet at the same time from what I've heard, I would be happy there. I realize that to really know that I'll have to visit, and that's all that I'm asking my mom to do with me. How explain my point of views to her when she just won't budge?</p>

<p>Thanks for your time everyone :)</p>

<p>Does she understand the idea of safety, match and reach? Many parents don’t - I know I didn’t until I found CC.</p>

<p>As a suggestion, sit down with her and discuss the various categories of schools that you want to identify (SMR) as well as the characteristics of the schools (e.g. urban vs. rural, LAC vs University, small vs large, etc.). Make sure it is a discussion - both of you participating in it… She may have some other schools for you to think about - and she will better understand those that you have put on the list. </p>

<p>What year are you in school?</p>

<p>Does your school’s guidance department have any presentations for parents about college selection? Of course your parents would like their child in a prestigious college, but they need to understand that the prestigious colleges have something to say about that.</p>

<p>Also, you and your parents need to talk about money. Perhaps they are happy to pay full sticker price for you at a private, in which case financial safeties are not an issue for you. But there could still be reasons why you might want to pick SUNY New Paltz.</p>

<p>If the top LACs are reasonable reaches for you, then SUNY New Paltz does seem to be aiming low. With middle 50 percentile SATs of 1100 to 1300 and 3.2-3.7 GPA, it attracts students considerably less qualified than those admitted by even lower-ranked LACs.</p>

<p>Is your mom anti SUNY or just anti New Paltz? If she’s open to other SUNYs it may be that she just doesn’t know very much about NP, or is basing her opinion on very old data. NP is all the things you describe – and lots of folks have been discovering its merits in the last few years, including some “top” and “best” lists (can’t remember which) if that sort of thing matters to her…</p>

<p>BTW, ultimately, whether NP, another SUNY, or somewhere else entirely, it should be the right fit for YOU, and hopefully your 'rents will support that (assuming finances etc allow)</p>

<p>You could probably wait to visit in state public safety schools.</p>

<p>I agree with orchestramom - SUNY New Paltz was named “Hottest Small State School in America” in Kaplan/Newsweek and it is not the school of yesteryear. The standards have changed a great deal and it is much harder to get into. In the last couple of years it’s popularity has increased dramatically. I am a big fan of this school and I agree that it has a really nice atmosphere, a down to earth population and up and coming academic reputation. Good luck with your college search and I hope you go to a college that you feel is a good fit for you despite what others might think.</p>