My roomate is SASSY and MEAN... what do I do?

<p>I was facebooking for my roomate, and I found him. </p>

<p>Being the overly-friendly guy that I am, I sent him a little message and said that I was excited to meet him.</p>

<p>His response: "whatever."</p>

<p>I figured he was tired or something, so I sent a message back and tried to wrap our "conversation" up.</p>

<p>His response: something along the lines of "OMG did I not say that I don't care? Leave me alone."</p>

<p>I simply said "Sorry and bye."</p>

<p>His response: "STOP TALKING TO ME YOU PETIFILE."</p>

<p>At that point I stopped. I realized that this year is going to be hell.</p>

<p>What do I do about this? I was REALLY excited to come to Madison this fall, until this happened... now I'm just SCARED.</p>

<p>Any advice?</p>

<p>EDIT: I seriously can't tell if he's actually this rotten, or if he's just being a dink. I though Madison aimed to admit "nice" people..</p>

<p>Maybe you could call the housing office and voice your concerns. I'm not really sure if they would reassign you though. Otherwise, the guy probably won't last too long if he has that kind of an attitude.</p>

<p>I am __ <---- THAT close to calling. I want to feel comfortable when I get there. Not like I'm dealing with a constant hassle.</p>

<p>The same thing happened with my sister when she went to UIUC. She called, but instead of DOING anything, the UIUC people called her ROOMATE and told her that my sister was concerned about her attitude. Then, when my sister got there, she was the laughing stock of her floor.</p>

<p>I don't want that to happen to me.</p>

<p>I kind of have a similar situation, though, my roommate still seems nice enough, but...I just kind of wonder how things will turn out. He doesn't seem to have any desire to talk to me or even discuss plans for whose bringing what and when I talked with him the first things brought up from him were:
Do you drink?
Do you mind if someone else sleeps in the room?</p>

<p>As for the sleeping in the room thing, I said if it is a once in a while thing it's not a big deal, just as long as it's not every day or periodic. So, he makes the remark that he probably won't be sleeping in the room much because he wants to sleep with some girl >_<</p>

<p>From what I got from him, he still seemed nice enough though, but it concerns me he hasn't responded to my last message yet. We are differnt, but I think we can get along.</p>


<p>My situation isn't nearly as serious, but my advice would to wait and see. Maybe he isn't that bad after all...maybe it's not even your roommate. Once you are there, if there is a problem and you two just can't stand each other, there probably will be the option of separating. Though, I will admit your roommate really sounds like a jerk :S</p>

<p>By the way, are you a fan of the anime, Lucky Star? (due to your name).</p>




Maybe he thought you weren't actually his roommate? That seems like an awfully weird statement to say to your roommate, not to mention the horrible misspelling.</p>

<p>I know for a fact that he's my room mate. His name is extremely unique and I guarantee that NO one else in the world has it. Plus, on his profile it says "I'm a freshman at UW this fall."</p>

<p>And HE added me... just 2 days after I found him.</p>

<p>cbeley, my dude is saying the SAME this as yours. He has a girl that he's going there with. on his profile is says "I'll be wit (girl's name) dis yeer and we be chillin there ya." (I ponder on how he got in to this school...)</p>

<p>I couldn't care less whether she spends the night in our room though.</p>

<p>And lol.. no.. Lucky Stars was my high school mascot. Not much of an anime fan.</p>

<p>Well, Madison is a big party school. Though, from the reactions of your roommate I am surprised. My roommate doesn't seem like a complete jerk or anything and I have nothing against people going out to party. In fact, I probably will go out to party, though not every night and I really have no desire to drink :S My point is, he appears sane and reasonable.</p>

<p>What your roommate is doing is extremely immature and quite frankly, I probably would have called someone up by now or see if I could arrange some sort of roommate switch with a friend of mine who is going to Madison. Though, i do think that having that experience of living with a complete stranger is a good experience.</p>

<p>Really though, all you have to do is get along. You two can hate each other, but if you can compromise and not bother each other I'd say you can have a rather pleasant dorm experience. Though, I wish (and probably you also) that I could have a roommate that I could be friends with (though, I really don't know yet with my roommate...all I know is he likes to party and plays golf :-P Though, he doesn't seem excessive about it at all).</p>

And lol.. no.. Lucky Stars was my high school mascot. Not much of an anime fan.


Ah, I see :-P You probably woulden't like Lucky Star then as it is sort of a parody series. :-P</p>

<p>EDIT: What I meant by not being your roommate was maybe he has some annoying brother who is using his facebook account. You never know.</p>

<p>1) There's a difference between sassy and **<strong><em>bag. You my friend, have found yourself a *</em></strong>*bag.</p>

<p>2) What the devil is a petifile?</p>

<p>3) Here's my advice (assuming you can't change roommates): He'll probably turn out to be just as big of an ass in person or nicer with potential for intense assbaggery. Get a tougher skin and fight fire with fire. He gives you crap, give it back to him tenfold. </p>

<p>You may not end up with a BFF like you expected but you'll at least get respect.</p>

2) What the devil is a petifile?


I'm assuming he was trying to spell pedophile as I can't think of any other word that sounds similar to petifile. :S</p>

<p>I think he meant "pedophile" as well."</p>

<p>Look at the positives..He'll just make me feel better about myself.</p>

<p>You reckon? A few facebook msgs and you're already freaking out. Seems like this lad has the potential to make you feel like crap brule on a daily basis if you let him.</p>

<p>While some people at UW are "nice" many are sarcastic and funny and love to give each other a hard time. I'd learn some snappy comebacks and work on growing a pair. You are going into the big leagues and you have to learn to take care of yourself.</p>

<p>Barrons: that's actually really good advice.
and I'm not being sarcastic here. :-P</p>

<p>Though, I do love sarcasm.</p>

<p>But yeah, as others said, it's probably not time to do anything about it.</p>

<p>Teenagers often try to be cool online. Your future roommate may also be dealing with his own issues about leaving home and being in Madison. Wait and see what happens. You don't have to be friends with your roommate, you just have to peacefully coexist. You will make friends with other people on your floor, don't worry about him, if he isn't there it solves a lot of interaction problems. IF there are problems once you move in you can discuss things with your housefellow, that's part of their job. This is an age with many changes, try not to let summer interactions get in the way when you move in. You will only be a new freshman experiencing the new freedoms of the college experience once, you will make a million mistakes, and so will everyone else. Focus on the good stuff in your future.</p>

<p>I talked to the kid again this afternoon.</p>

<p>He was a LOT nicer, but he's still weird. Our discussion has raised a few questions in my head about the dorms.. if any of you know..</p>

<li><p>Is there a penalty for getting caught drinking underage in the dorms?</p></li>
<li><p>Are you responsible for cleaning up your own accidental messes in the hallway, or is there a maid service? (ex. spilled drinks/food, vomit, pencil shavings, blood, trash.. etc)</p></li>
<li><p>Are there fire drills in the middle of the night?</p></li>
<li><p>Does it ever get quiet at night in Liz Waters?</p></li>

<p>...If someone could answer those, that's be awesome..</p>

<li>Yes, technically but rarely used</li>
<li>Yes, there are maids but that does not mean you don't clean up your special mess. Don't be a jerk--cleanup.</li>
<li>Not real ones</li>
<li>Yes. Probably one of the better dorms.</li>

<p>I can't answer all of your question, but I can maybe give insight to a few.</p>

<p>If you vomit as a result of drinking, it's means for removal from the residence halls (although I don't know how often that is used). There is a custodial service, so I'm assuming you can start cleaning it and have them notified. Someone else probably knows more, but I would find it courteous to clean it yourself instead of bum around for someone to come along. These can probably answer a few of your questions as well.</p>

<p>Division</a> of University Housing - Student/Community Expectations
Division</a> of University Housing - Student/Community Expectations
Division</a> of University Housing - Student/Community Expectations</p>

<p>Generally, this site has answered a lot of my questions, so maybe, if you haven't check it out yet, it can help you. Division</a> of University Housing - Student/Community Expectations</p>

<p>I'm glad he's started to lighten up towards you. =]</p>

<li><p>Is there a penalty for getting caught drinking underage in the dorms?</p>

<li>You can get written up. Happens to almost everyone, doesn't mean anything unless you get written up a lot.</li>
<li><p>Are you responsible for cleaning up your own accidental messes in the hallway, or is there a maid service? (ex. spilled drinks/food, vomit, pencil shavings, blood, trash.. etc)</p>

<li>any bodily fluid in the hallway can be grounds for dismissal from dorms. Rarely used, but a kid in my dorm did get kicked out for getting blood on the wall last year.</li>
<li><p>Are there fire drills in the middle of the night?</p>

<li>Witte and Sellery had them around 3 am when I was a freshman. This doesn't usually happen though.</li>
<li><p>Does it ever get quiet at night in Liz Waters?
- Yes, during the week most dorms get quiet.</p></li>

<p>^When Witte and Sellery had them, was it because a student tripped the alarm, someone pulled it as a prank, or was it an actual drill?</p>

<p>kick his ass.</p>

<p>According to my tour guide, the new Ogg is quite a light show when the alarm goes off at night.. so I'd like to witness that.</p>