My school does not offer Mathematics AA HL

I want to study Economics/Finance, my school only has Maths AA SL. My subjects are; HL English A Language and Literature, HL Economics, HL Business Management, SL maths AA, SL Biology, SL french B.Considering I am a prospective international student in the US, will colleges penalize me or think of me as a weaker applicant? How can I compensate for the fact that I did not do Maths HL? Also, there are no AP exams available in my country only SAT and SAT II.

Your school offers no HL Math at all? Neither AA nor AI?

Would your school offer AI HL (and business studies SL)?
Can you take Math2 as a subject test? Perhaps the CLEP Calculus exam if calc AB is not offered? (AA SL should be sufficient to take the calc AB exam senior year?)

Sadly they do not offer any maths course at HL. My school is new to the IB, they only started it in 2018.

I will take maths level 2 as a subject test. I don’t know what the CLEP is, I will do my research, and see if I can take it as an international student. Yeah, I am from Cameroon by the way.