My son chances at UC system like Tier 2

My son is in a high school in San Diego
He is a good student . Taken 2 AP and honors classes in 10 grade . Got one B

Now he is taking all AP in 11 grade
His PSAT10 score was 1340
He is JV volleyball player
Plans to become eagle by summer
He also taught science Olympiad and won medals

Did a lot of robotics but never exceptional

What he should be doing in summer ?
There are so many options

Like focus on taking some ap courses
Do some internships
Teaching at summer school

What should he doing maximizing his chances at school ?

Definitely nerve racking

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Use this link to look up the honors courses he took in 10th grade. Check to see if they receive weighting from the UC system (orange band with yellow star). University of California A-G Course List

Use the instructions on this link to calculate his UC GPA. GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub

What is he interested in studying in college?

Over the summer, he should be doing things he finds fun, definitely NOT taking AP courses, and either working or volunteering somewhere, writing down the experiences he found most interesting so that he can refer back to it later (useful for the essays).
What does he want to major in?


Just so you know, all the UC’s and CSU’s are test blind and will remain that way until further notice.

Your son’s EC’s look fine and I agree that he should be spending his summer doing the things he enjoys. There is no formula in getting into any school so let him pursue his passions and he will end up where he is meant to be.


Thank you all for wonderful responses. He got 1480 in SAT and current GPA shows as below

GPA Type GPA Credits Attempted
10-12 Total GPA 3.94 16
10-12 Total WGPA 4.44 16
10-12 WGPA w/o PE 4.50 14
9-12 Total WGPA 4.30 30

He has taken a lot of courses this semester that AP and honors . His GPA should go up from here.

He is also varsity in beach volleyball, should become Eagle, Plays tabla as instrument, helping with diabetes prevention. what else should he be doing to get into UCs ?

It looks like he is doing great! Keep in mind that the UCs calculate GPA from only grades 10-11 so neither freshman year nor senior year will count towards his UC GPA. You can calculate his UC GPA using the link above for RogerHub. That will give you a better sense of where he stands in terms of UCs.

Is he currently a senior? If so, time to get started on his PIQs.

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he is in 11 grade. Apart from UCs, any other colleges you recommend. He really loves volleyball and wondering if any colleges give extra consideration for 6’ 2’’ VB player who got good academics

As Californians, we are very lucky to have both the UC system and the CSU system - and both are excellent value and give a quality education. And there is a great variety of campuses in terms of both location and selectivity. A California resident that applies to a nice mix of UCs and CSUs is almost guaranteed to end up at a great school for a good price. Some CSUs do offer men’s volleyball so he might get some good play opportunities, too, so they are worth looking into.

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He should be doing things he enjoys doing. He should NOT be doing things just because he thinks they will impress some college adcom.

A summer job is also a good thing to do.

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If he’s recruitable for D3 volleyball, there are some good contenders where it’d be a hook: Vassar, NYU, MIT - he would get excellent financial aid but no ahletic aid so run the NPC on each.
Same hook for UCSanta Cruz but not sure he’d need a hook there considering his stats, perhaps for CS?
Among the Ivies, Harvard and Princeton have men’s volleyball.

Hurray !!

My son got 1520 on PSAT 10. That hopefully makes him standout on college apps. Ofcourse, he still need to become finalist. It might require some additional work.

does he still need a lot of extra curriculars or may be get a job like he wants ?

I believe the UCs are planning on remaining test blind.

Do you mean 11? As in 11th grade? That’s terrific.

But as noted, the CA publics are test blind.

Would you like some suggestions for national merit scholarships that are awarded by colleges?

I imagine they plan to list NMSF (or NMF) as an award?

Getting a job would be an EC so if that’s what he wants to do, he should go for it. A job is a great EC, actually.


As I said upstream…your son should be doing things HE wants to do, not things he thinks will impress some college adcom in the future. A job is a very worthy summer activity.

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That’s right. It’s psat 11 not psat 10
Does getting national merit scholarship (ofcourse getting full score might not guarantee), doesn’t that open up more opportunities in terms of colleges for him ? He might not be val because he got a B but he might end up in top 10 percent May be

It’s complicated because a lot of kids are taking courses from other colleges and they are getting added to transcript .

Any ways one day at a time

Yes please for scholarships based on psat score . Please send them
My our way or post here

Well…really, you need to know that your son is named a national merit semifinalist. And that requires some other steps…a satisfactory SAT score, and continued good grades.

But you can start looking…

University of Tulsa
University of New Mexico
University of Alabama

I know there are others…other folks will chime in.

If you do a regular chances thread with more info about what he is looking for in a college, that would help.

@AustenNut probably can help create at least a list for you to research.

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You might look at these two threads

Class of 2025 National Merit Discussion

Big NMF/NMSF schools and their specialties.

Also, keep an eye on the Compass Prep blogs. They update NM stats as they are released.