My son's chances

My husband graduated Summa Cum Laude as a Biomed Major from TAMU and our daughter is doing very well at Mays Business (yearbook staff and tutor to athletics department). Our son is a senior at the same HS his sister graduated from Texas Military School- Episcopal here in San Antonio. He has been a Cadet for 6 years and in leadership. He has several Presidential Awards and several years of Varsity Sports. He is ranked second quarter by TAMU and has a 3.3. He has no SAT or ACT. He wants to do Ag Business like his sister. He submitted his application on August 2nd. What are his chances.

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@TMImomof2 AggieMomHelp has a new name-
@ChristiR93, and she’s the guru!
I think she will ask-what’s his class rank? Is the 3.3 on a 4.0 or 5.0 scale? Any way he can schedule to take the ACT at A&M one day soon?
Is he coming in with any AP or DC?
Ag Business isn’t quite as competitive as Mays, but it is definitely popular, and often listed as a 2nd choice for those that don’t get into Mays (at least it is for the kids from our area).
Hopefully ‘AggieMomhelp’ will shed some light & tips for you!

@52ag82 you are as much a guru as I am by now. And yes to all those questions.

His 2nd half of application is outstanding! It’s the first half, His academic part, that is lacking with 2nd qtr and no test scores to counter that.

While Ag business isn’t too competitive, his first obstacle is getting in. Major doesn’t matter til after that.

I’m not saying he doesn’t have a chance, I just don’t know what else is in that application to outweighs the ranking and no test score. They’ll want to make sure he is college ready. So please answer the questions that were laid out above to give us a better picture AND I highly recommend taking the residual ACT at tamu.

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The gpa is out of 4.0 scale. We live in San Antonio. He is looking to take ACT soon. He took SAT, but the scores were only just above average. Since he’s a senior at our school, his schedule is extremely busy. He’s an officer in the corps (JROTC) at the school, so he has very little free time.

We’re just hoping his extra curriculars help him get in. His academics look terrible, because he’s in such a competitive school. Any other school he’d be at the very least top quarter. Last year there were some kids with very similar applications as himself that was accepted from his school. We’re hoping the same happens to him. Is the residual ACT just the same as the normal test, but you take it on the campus? From my understanding the scores are automatically sent to admissions as well.

Yes, the residual ACT is just scored for TAMU and will automatically be sent to admissions. It does cost more than the national ACT. AND I believe it’s last years test. Oh and they cannot write on the exam itself, but do get scratch paper.

@TMImomof2 not sure how much extracurriculars weigh on the acceptance list?
I do know I have heard multiple times, A&M definitely keeps a ‘check list’ for prospective students who attend Aggieland Saturday during Junior year and take an official campus tour during junior or senior year. And if you’ve been in contact with the local San Antonio TAMU recruiter, I think that adds checks to the list also-shows the level of interest on the part of the applicant. Hopefully your son has done some of those things.
With his years of ROTC, will be pursuing joining The Corps?

“Checklist” for only the junior or senior year? We did the official tour and Aggieland Saturday during freshmen and sophomore years, respectively. :+1:

@NDTA96 not sure which years count, never heard of anyone doing them that early. I thought Aggieland Saturday was geared for rising Seniors. Hopefully it’s all linked to his accountđŸ€žđŸŒ
You might have him reach out to the SA TAMU recruiter person, just to get on their radar
couldn’t hurt.

Aggieland Saturday is primarily geared towards juniors because after that February event, those students would apply in six months. When we attended in 2020, the speaker asked the audience for a show of hands, and there were quite a few sophomores and at least one freshman (who she complimented on starting early). Glad we attended then, because the 2021 Aggieland Saturday was cancelled due to Covid.


He’s done all of those things except for Aggieland Saturday. He’s not going to join the corps, since he’s already been doing it has his school now since 7th grade.

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My daughter applied on August 26 and she is still in review. We expected this as she is not top 10%. She is in the same boat. Her stats are below:

Second Quartile
Class rank 150 out of 355
3.43 GPA on a 4.0 unweighted scale
Will graduate Advanced Distinguished with 27 hours of dual college credit
3 years HS dance team line member and officer
Member of student council
2 years FFA earning her Discovery and Greenhand Degrees
Works 15-20 hours a week Junior and Senior years
Attended Whoopin’ Weekend and did an on campus tour
Applied for Biomedical Science
She would be completely thrilled for a full acceptance but said that she will not be upset if she were to get into the Blinn program.

What are your thoughts and input? She has said since she was 8 years old that she would be an Aggie, one way or another!


I also failed to list that she is in the CCMA program at the high school and when she graduates she will be a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant.

@Jbox1 has she taken SAT or ACT? Has she been in touch with her local A&M recruiter?

She took the ACT cold, no studying and made a 22 composite. We have not been in contact with her local recruiter. How do we get that information?

She didn’t send in the score did she? She really should try to retake, after preparing. If she schedules and takes the residual at Tamu, she can have some time to get ready for it and it will only apply for Tamu. Scores released next day.

As for a backup plan, I would look at straight blinn to transfer, not blinn team. I have helped many students transfer into Tamu from blinn. It’s not the end of the world if this is the back up plan. She’d be in Aggieland, can attend games with a student, rush some sororities and just be a part of the community. She would be able to transfer as early as summer following freshman year since she has 27 dual credits. What is her dual credit gpa?

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@Jbox1 with the Biomedical Science major, does she plan on trying for nursing school?
And agree with @ChristiR93 , did she submit the 22 ACT?
Would she be open to a PSA campus for a year, if offered?
As far as local recruiters, they’re called Regional Advisors (sorry, I was calling them the wrong name). I’ve heard it is worth it, to touch base with them, show interest in attending.

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She did submit the ACT score because it asked if she had ever taken it in the application. Also when we did the tour and spoke with some of the admissions counselors during the tour they stated that they were not “really looking” at those scores since the school is test optional now. They stated that they would look at each application holistically. So essentially they said even though she submitted a low score that they would actually look at it as though she at least attempted it instead of opting out of testing all together. I will definitely recommend to her the Residual ACT for TAMU.

With the Biomedical science degree she plans to receive her BS and then transfer into a masters in Certified Anesthesia Assistant.

I totally agree they won’t let it “hurt” her chances but what they do is plug in all her “scores” from the application (she’s scores on rank, essay, ECs, exams) then that give her a scatterpoint spot on the chart. I’m being very loose here with my description but it goes something like that.

They’ll do this with and without her score. I’ll be honest when I say that being 2nd quarter with a low test score or no score does not give her a good chance of being offered admission. Even team could be out of reach.

However if her dual credit grades are mainly As and some Bs, that’s going to show them she can handle the college course load.

And remember 2 more things
 one, I’m going off of everything I’ve seen here in the past 5 years. So there is always a chance of acceptance until you hear otherwise. And two
 your girl will be fine regardless of what the decision is. It isn’t where you start but where you finish!


Yes that ACT score needs to come up. She goofed around her freshman year and COVID really messed her up due to our district changing to pass/fail grades her sophomore year. Some people it helped but it hurt her because she had all A’s and didn’t get the “points” for it. So she played catch up her Junior
Year and took summer courses this past summer.

We will do the wait and keep our fingers crossed! Her DC GPA is a 4.0.

Thanks for the information!!