My son's chances

Her DC credit will definitely help her!!! That’s great.

Keep us posted. Hoping for the best!

I’m new here and this is my first time posting so please forgive any errors. I’m hoping I can get a good idea of my son’s chances of getting into TAMU. Here are his stats:

3.53 out of a 4.0 scale WAGPa
1470 SAT (750 math 720 verbal)
3 AP test scores taken this past May (calculus AB: 5, Comp Sci A: 4, Chemistry: 3)
His school doesn’t rank but according to AIS, he’s in the 2nd quarter. He attends a private school and his class size is around 110 kids.
He has 2 DC classes (4.0 DC GPA). He took 3 APs junior year and taking 4 this year.
He’s exhausted all of the math classes his school’s curriculum offers (he’s doubling up on AP stats and BC calculus this year) and he has taken all honors and/or AP laboratory sciences (physics honors, chemistry honors, biology honors, AP DC chemistry 2, DC biology)

He submitted his application on 9/14
Counselor statement/LORs/HS profile 9/21
SRAR 9/22
SAT scores received either 9/22 or 9/23
AIS application is complete and in review by 9/23

He applied to engineering as his first choice (hoping to get into computer science during ETAM) and statistics as his 2nd choice major.

He doesn’t have much in terms of ECs-
4 years of high school swim team (varsity in freshman year but his team is small)
E-sports team
No leadership positions
60 hours of volunteer/community service

We read over his essays and short answers and thought they were solid. Any insight into his chances of acceptance would be greatly appreciated. Like all the other parents, I’m checking the AIS and howdy account several times a day but know I’m probably in for a long wait time. His college counselor felt like it was a “realistic reach” school for him. I’m just hoping his chances of getting in are realistic.

Curious to hear what others say, but his test scores and course rigor are fantastic and should play a large role in him getting admitted. Below is info from Tamu on how applications are evaluated.

"(2019-2020) Relative importance of each of the following academic and nonacademic factors in first-time, firstyear, degree-seeking (freshman) admission decisions.

Very Important
Rigor of secondary school record
Class Rank
Academic GPA
Standardized Test Scores
Extracurricular Activities

Application Essay
First Generation
Geographical Residence
State Residency
Volunteer work
Work Experience

Character/personal qualities
Level of applicant’s interest

Not Considered
Religious affiliation
Racial/ethnic status"

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@e2e you are in state? Is the private school a small, known academically rigorous school, or just small private school? The SAT score is very impressive, as well as the rigor of math & science courses taken.
Keep having your son check/refresh daily! :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Agree with the others. SAT is outstanding, gpa is lacking as shown in how they ranked him, course rigor is also outstanding. and his ECs are average.

Based on his SAT & course rigor, I see him getting some sort of offer for engineering. Full admit is totally possible and worse case he’ll get Blinn Academy (which is still a huge win).

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He’s in state and his private school starts in pre-k and goes all the way to 12th grade. While it’s not considered an elite private school, it isn’t at the bottom of the pack either. I’d say it has a fairly decent name recognition and the past year’s matriculation have been impressive but it’s not always consistent. His class is pretty competitive.

He’s first generation American but not first generation to go to college (which according to the list above, probably doesn’t have any bearing in his application). He took algebra 2 as a freshman so while the math department said it would be up to us if he wanted to take honors algebra 2, we all decided we would rather see him succeed in regular algebra 2 since he was one of maybe 3 kids in his entire class to take algebra 2 as a freshman. His lowest grade in the sciences was a B for honors physics. Everything else for the science was either an A-, A or A+. Last year was rough on the GPA with virtual learning. What makes me super anxious is his GPA and class ranking and the fact that his first choice major falls under engineering which we know is super competitive and fills up fast. Since he’s in the 2nd quartile, I know it will be a tough road ahead. He’s already been accepted to Texas Tech engineering, and specifically computer science and we plan to apply to the honors college, but his first choice is TAMU. Any insight you have that could possibly calm some frayed nerves would greatly be appreciated. Thank you!!!

@e2e we have a friend in honors Engineering at Tech now; she got into honors programs all over the country (including A&M) and chose Tech. They have an outstanding Engineering program! She didn’t want any part of ETAM. She has had amazing research and travel opportunities that she would not have gotten at A&M, plus smaller classes. I’d definitely consider the program at Tech.

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Yes, knowing we have an acceptance to his first choice major this early in the game is a huge relief and he would be happy going there but he’s still holding out hope for a route to TAMU. He’s working on his honors application right now and we hope to submit that soon. Thank you for your insight.

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I love Tech. The school, the spirit, the academics… it’s a great campus. My son in law has his ME degree from there. Had no issues getting a job before graduation.


Curious of your opinion on my daughters chances. She’s applied early decision to Mays, 4.3 weighted/3.4 unweighted. Is 84th out of 703 which puts her just outside of the top 10%. She received a 1430 on her first SAT then a 1310 after not studying and taking it cold for the “at school test”. She is an athlete with both club and school sports before and after school, took a full AP course load. She’s taken the AP tests for 4 classes so far and had one 2, two 3s and a 4. Dual credit for one course - A.

She really wants directly into A&M vs the Blinn path so I’m trying to prepare her for the odds. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

I’m sure @ChristiR93 will have more input, but your daughter has great stats. Mays really likes high test scores, as well as rigor, extra curricular & leadership.
What did she list as her 2nd choice?
My gut says if she doesn’t get Mays, she’d get 2nd choice, and not BlinnTEAM. But crazier things have happened, for sure!
It’s odd & concerning (to me) that Mays admission has been radio silent. They’re either full or a wave of review admits must be coming soon. In ‘normal’ years, they’ve definitely been full by now.

Good to know it’s been silent for everyone! She listed environmental science as her second choice.

Hopeful we’ll know in the coming weeks. Thanks for the encouragement!

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Hey there. Agree with @52AG82 your daughter has great stats. Just FYI tho, there’s no early decision for Mays, just engineering.

And yes, it’s been so quiet on the Mays front. Actually pretty silent for most review non engineering students. I can’t tell if this forum isn’t as active as last year or if it’s truly “silent”. Time will tell.

Hoping for the best for your girl! Please keep us posted.

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@ChristiR93 Wasn’t much activity on FB or Reddit last week. Prospective Parents maybe getting burnout waiting on TAMU admission decisions, just didn’t seem like much happened last week. The waiting game is getting tougher and tougher. My child has finally decided to go ahead and apply to Tech this week as a safety.

I hear ya girl. But I promise it’s like this every year with tamu. The waiting game is so long for parent and students. I am totally for backup
Plans (especially Tech!!).

All review students are in the same boat. Misery loves company right???

Hang in there…

Hi ChristiR93 - do you have any info on requirements or profile for the engineering academies that are not Blinn? I would love your input. My son is interested in doing the Dallas College A&M Engineering Academy. He likes the idea of staying home a bit longer but really loved A&M engineering. He is homeschooled but with lots of professional coops (classes taken outside of the home graded outside of the home - just about all math and science classes were this way) and 16 hours of DE with a 4.0 across home - coops - dual enrollment.

-Hispanic National Recognition Program Scholar for his PSAT.
-Eagle Scout
-2 adult black belts in Karate and 1.5 years of working as a Karate instructor in his studio until it closed due to covid.
-Lots of volunteer work through church
-Honor societies Collegiate + Homeshool Honor Societies (homeschool HS are based on SAT scores in order to qualify - and the Collegiate is based on DE GPA)
-He will get excellent letters of recommendation.
-His 11th grade SAT was meh at 1200 with a 650 math - he basically went in unprepared and did worse than ever in the English portion of any standardized test so we expect it to improve along with the math. He is retaking it Nov and Dec(if necessary) and scoring in the 1300+ now on practice tests after a bit of self prep no tutoring or prep course of any kind.

Would this all be enough for the feeder academies? The prequalification for Dallas College is SAT 600 math which he has already has more than enough in, Blinn indicates 600 min 650 preferred for reference (he has 650 math at the moment) but not sure how much he needs to improve his 1200 SAT to secure the Dallas Academy spot. I have read that once prequalified the admittance rate to a&m academies is high but I can’t find much info on It or confirmation

I apologize for my English. I am tired, and sometimes when tired it goes down quite a bit :slight_smile:

Thank you for any input you might have!

Hey there. Sorry I’m just seeing this. I’ll message you tomorrow. But from what I understand, there are limited seats so the eArlier you apply the better.

I’ll dive deeper tomorrow.

Thank you! We attended an informational meeting for the academy in Dallas and they did not make it sound like there was an issue with limiting number of spots, it sounded like Dallas is not a full academy by any means ( I think that is the case in other academies though, I suspect especially Blinn) Regardless, he is planning to apply early. Pre qualification starts in 2 weeks, and then they send you to an A&M link to apply there, once prequalified in Dallas.
Thanks so much! Looking forward to hearing from you :slight_smile: Good night!

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Definitely a great option! And straight away an Aggie engineering student. I still think there are limited seats only because you are taking engineering courses from TAMU faculty. I don’t know what that number looks like though. But just be sure to have your ducks in a row by Nov. 15th. Go ahead and apply for Dallas College now. Then you’ll be ready for the 15th. I would also go ahead and request transcripts to be sent so there’s no delay.

Please keep us posted. Sounds like he’ll be a great student.

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@barcino agree with @ChristiR93 -start the registration process NOW for Dallas College. People don’t realize that even community colleges require application steps/process, which involve shot records, transcript, etc. Some schools are faster than others.

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