My son's chances

Hi there! So I’ll shoot you straight. Almost zero shot at bims. It’s a small program and highly competitive. Possible change of major into bims after being at tamu for a year and fulfilling prereq courses. I’ll go check those out here in a minute

I don’t believe team is offered for bims. They do offer it for some sciences like biology, but not Bims.

Tamu will not offer team to students who’s major isn’t offered for team.

What’s his second choice major?

2nd quartile is an uphill battle. High scorers with 2nd quartile is possible but below a 1300 is not impossible but less likely. His ECs look great and shows his passion for his intended major. That is a big bonus!

Sorry I can’t be a ray of sunshine on this but I’m not saying he doesn’t have a chance at full admit. It is possible. They really do a holistic review so they may see something in the whole packet that I can’t see. Please keep me posted and let me know what second choice major is listed.

Check this link out… changing major into bims is not as hard as I thought. 12 tamu hours completed and 2.5. Here’s the link…

Second choice major is Biology. The only reason we are hopeful is because her friend got in with stats barely higher and into the Bims program. Higher as in a 1320 SAT and 103 GPA.

That’s great! How long ago did he get in? This past wave? Wondering how close to being full it is. Seems like bims is always the last to find out so it’s great someone not auto admit already heard this year.

And your son will be eligible for team since bio is 2nd choice.

Please keep us posted. Hoping for the best!!!

They got in yesterday with the wave of admits, her friends first choice was business but got her second choice of Bims instead. Is there any indication of when another wave will be sent out? My daughter knows of two people including her friend who got accepted into Bims yesterday.

What would you say her chances of getting in with her second choice major be?

First… I’m sorry I was thinking son not daughter. Oops.

Second… you’re admitted to tamu first. Then they look at major. If it’s open, they slide you in. If it’s not, then they put you in 2nd choice. If no 2nd choice or if 2nd choice is full, then you go in general studies.

So I would she didn’t make the wave last time but if stats are just below those that did, then hopefully she’ll get in next wave which may be one mor before Christmas.