Myth?!! : Must take a humanities

<p>I read this page quite a while ago and it turns out I didn’t accurately represent what it says.</p>

<p>[Harvard</a> College Admissions § Applying: Three SAT II Subject Tests](<a href=“]Harvard”></p>

<p>“Although some students whose first language is not English are ordinarily well advised to avoid taking an SAT Subject Test in their native language, there are exceptions to this general rule. For example, some students who are preparing for the International Baccalaureate here or abroad or for national examinations in their own countries might be less well prepared for certain SAT Subject Tests. So, too, might students who attend schools that generally do not prepare students well for specific SAT Subject Tests. Such students might wish to get the advice of their counselors about whether to take an SAT subject test in their native language, which might well support their academic credentials.”</p>

so much for 5 800’s :X
already got 1 800’ (bio) can guarantee 2 more(Korean, mandarin) </p>

<p>Does this apply to other Ivies too?</p>

<p>Dam, so I have to retake physics or take something like world history instead of chinese?</p>

<p>yeahhh…taking an SAT II in your native language doesnt help you. adcoms arent stupid. i think they’ll figure out that you’re a native speaker and while it wont necessarily hurt you, it probably wont help you either if they’re deciding between you and someone with otherwise similar stats
Also, @Islander, you may think that literature is “nonsense” but there’s pretty much nonsense in every standardized (esp SAT) test. we all know they’re not that great indicators of your actual ability. That said, imo, the literature test is pretty good at testing your innate ability, its a little harder to actually “study” and “learn” by rote. And if you think the entire subject of English is nonsense, well, thats your prerogative.</p>

<p>lol while they do not indicate innate ability, we cannot deride its ability to at least sort out intelligence.</p>

<p>A kid with a 3.7 and a 2350 SAT compared to a 4.0 and a 2000 SAT is just ridiculous.</p>

<p>It only means 1 thing, the second kid is a dull and “diligent/earnest” worker who’s schools have CRAZY CRAZY grade inflation. Smart kids will have better SAT scores.</p>