National Achievement finalists

<p>I'm finalist and I was the only person from my school of 2300 (500 in our graduating class)...
and I am the very first in my school's 15 year history. </p>

<p>But then again, I go to a predominantly caucasian school and I live in one of those states that had less than 15 semi-finalists total anyway.
My counselor and principal are super excited, still...</p>

<p>Roggle, my kid can empathize with you. She was the only AA in her class and the school had no more than 10 total. She ended up being in the school newsletter to parents and the school paper and on the school web site. Then the school called me and said they wanted to put her in the suburban newspaper and the major city newspaper. She thought it was overkill.</p>

<p>Dad and I chuckled. The school was proud of it's only Black student in the class of 2008.</p>

<p>i found out today. i think... well, i know, i was the only one from our school to get it.</p>

<p> you guys know when we actually receive the hard copy by mail?</p>

<p>my counselors have a steadfast belief that nobody finds out until May.</p>

<p>but then my dad called and found out i got it.</p>

<p>clearly my counselors have never worked with the national achievement program before</p>

<p>Received certificate of congratulations and letter from high school prinicipal in the mail on Friday for National Achievement Finalist...I also was National Merit commended scholar (missed it by about 8 points) in the Fall...Do you think that it's worth it to send the certificate to the colleges that I applied to so that they know that I was a finalist. According to the website, the ONLY time that they announce this award again is in March when they send out a press release (like they say that they did for semifinalists) for the finalists that actually receive $$$. Does anyone know if it REALLY matters to colleges if you make it to this stage..especially the Ivy leagues?</p>

<p>Not sure about the ivies, but some colleges do give scholarships based on being a finalist AND you have selected a particular college as 1st choice when you took your SAT.</p>

<p>You may want to call the school and ask if they want you to send it.</p>

<p>so i'm one of those students with strong scores and a problematic gpa, but my school has also been canceled all week so i have no way of knowing whether or not i've been selected. has everyone received letters already or are people who didn't call or talk to their schools still waiting for news?</p>

<p>No, I still haven't found out. I'm starting to wonder if it was because I didn't get it but I didn't go to school on Friday so I don't know.</p>

<p>They mailed the letters out yesterday so I'm sure we'll all know by this saturday at the latest.</p>

<p>I had a score above all the National Merit cutoffs and I made sure I marked my race on the test (I usually leave it off). But I haven't gotten a letter. I have been out of school since Monday though (LOTS of snow), so maybe they'll give it to me tomorrow. Here's hoping.</p>

<p>^ lolz Millancad, are you a junior?</p>

<p>If so (and I think you are), you won't be getting a letter until 2010. Sorry bud. Congratulations though!</p>

<p>i got the letter today.</p>

<p>they said 800 of the 1300 Finalists will receive scholarships, when do we find out about those?</p>

<p>I just got it =D
My principal didn't congratulate me, but I'm still pretty psyched.
Congrats everyone!</p>

<p>I found out that I was a finalist today too. I know its not as god as Merit but its something so I'm happy.</p>

<p>hehehe i got it today too :)</p>

<p>I also found out I'm a finalist. Its not as crucial now since I've been accepted ed to dartmouth, but maybe it'll help a little more with financial aid? I dunno, I'm still pumped. :)</p>

<p>i got it today too.</p>

<p>With the semi-finalist packet I remember receiving a little card on which you were supposed to write what college you end up going to and send it back to National Achievement. I got in ED but I never actually sent them the card and the finalist letter doesn't say anything about it. Should I still send it in to them?</p>

<p>Got the letter felt so empty.</p>

<p>Is it just me, or does anyone else think the Finalist stage is kind of pointless? I mean, why not just choose the scholars (monetary recipients) from the 1600 narrowing it down from 1600 to 1300 really that big of a deal? (/rant)</p>

<p>But whatev, congrats to all other NAFs.</p>

<p>lol i agree...i'm just freaking out about getting accepted to any of the ivies!</p>