National Achievement Qualifying SAT Score?

<p>So, I just found out that I'm a NASF \o/</p>

<p>My PSAT was a 197, and my SAT in March without any preparation was a 1760 :/ The amount of drama on that day was... ugh, but yeah, the score still stands no matter what excuse I have. I'm planning on retaking my SAT in October, but I'm wondering if the 1760 will be enough for me to become a finalist? If it's not, what score should I shoot for? I personally want to get 1950-2000 because I know I can do it if I'm mentally prepared, but I don't want to set my sights too high.</p>

<p>If it helps, I have a 3.581/4.116 unweighted/weighted GPA (low, I know, but I've got valid reasons as to why), positions on state boards + a lot of other ECs, and 100+ hours of service.</p>

<p>Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!</p>

<p>how did you already find out that you were NASF?</p>

<p>@emenya I was called to the principal’s office during my last class, and they told me then. NMSF were called down during the second to last class and told in a group.</p>

<p>Oh ok well congratulations!</p>

<p>Thank you! :3</p>

<p>Do you know what the cutoffs are? I live in OK with a 182? What recognition could I get?</p>

<p>@ang331 sorry, I don’t know :c The cutoff is never published, but you could possibly get outstanding participant because I was on the end closer to nmsf</p>

<p>Hmm…our school says the letter has not been received yet. @sebethpin, you seem to be the only one with an official notification. </p>

<p>@planner03‌ that’s weird because it’s being announced publicly on like, the 23 of September. National Merit is being announced this week. I figured schools would start announcing them soon. I’ve already started my application too…</p>

<p>@sebethpin Thanks. I just called NM since S’s principal told him he had nothing, and they did confirm that they had sent the letter to the school quite awhile ago. So now if the principal still says he doesn’t have it, a school rep has to call for a reissue. Geez…
Also, FYI, if this pertains to anyone, they also told me the NM Commended notifications are being mailed to schools on the 16th.</p>

<p>has anyone heard about National Achievement Outstanding Participant?</p>

<p>I’m a semi-finalist too! Had a score of 209</p>

<p>Sorry, no @bostonmom2, I haven’t heard from anyone I know. :/</p>

<p>And congrats @brown210! :3 That’s a great score, are you also a NMSF?</p>

<p>No… not a national merit SF… only national achievement. I am commended, though (y)</p>

<p>After confirming with NM that they had indeed sent S’s NA semifinalist letter to our school at the end of August, I contacted S’s GC and told him that he really needed the letter in order to submit the finalist application. The GC managed to go to the principal and have him dig it up, and then the GC unceremoniously handed the letter to S. That was it. Is NA actually considered an accomplishment at other schools?</p>

<p>@planner03 it should be a big deal. Sorry u are experiencing this. Also someone with 186 made outstanding participant. Anyone with lower score make it?</p>

<p>@bostonmom2 I guess our school just has a complete disinterest in anything NM related. S went into his GC yesterday and asked if the principal had gotten anything on his NM Commended status…The GC said “yes, I think it is on my desk somewhere, come back later.” He returned later and the GC handed him the envelope with the certificate saying something like “here it is.” Of course I have to agree that Commended is completely pointless…</p>

<p>I disagree. The number of black students who are commended is small. DD is at a school with many natl merits and it has been dismissed by her counselor but I think it will catch the eye of college people.</p>

<p>@myyalieboy well possibly, but if your user name is an indication of where your S is applying I doubt it. I think it is pretty much a given that students that apply to Yale caliber schools will be Commended at a minimum,</p>

<p>@planner03‌ - I’d say that unless your school has a dozen NM finalists and semi finalists than it is a big deal. It is always good for a school (a place where academics are taught and emphasized) to tout those who excel in academics.</p>

<p>The military recognizes war heroes, every sport recognizes outstanding athletes, high schools recognize former students who went on to college, did well and made it into the pros years later. Actors give each other Emmys and Oscars, etc. Why wouldn’t a school want to hold some recognition for a student who excelled in academics as shown by a national examination? </p>

<p>Personally, I would go to the guidance counselor and ask if they have any plans for recognition for all the students recognized by the NMSC.</p>