National Achievement

<p>Not really, National Achievement just wants to verify that your SAT score matches up with your PSAT score. It will just help them see that you actually earned your your qualifying NA score! :)</p>

<p>S PSAT scores arrived today. 197 in CA. I know that is too low for Natl Merit - but will that earn Natl Achievement?</p>

<p>I getting closer to finding out about scholars</p>

<p>So I believe that schools are being notified soon – perhaps as early as today. Has anyone heard anything about students qualifying as finalists?</p>

<p>Wow, that’s sooner than I thought. I heard we would find about finalist status at the end of January. Do people usually find out this early?</p>

<p>We’re supposed to get letters home if we made Finalist on the 25th of Jan. School principals should have received notification of our status’ on the 18th of Jan. Looks like this week is the week</p>

<p>Thank you, that’s very helpful</p>

<p>No problem!</p>

<p>National Achievement’s somewhat more selective, no?</p>

<p>I’m home schooled, so my mom is listed as the principal. I never got a rejection letter, but she never received word on the 18th that I made Finalist. Do you think they skipped notifying the principal for me because it’s the same address?</p>

<p>Per NMSC the Finalist letters were mailed to the schools on the 18th. Letters to the students are being mailed January 25th. Sorry for any confusion.</p>

<p>The principal notification came in the mail today! Booyah</p>

<p>Congrats! What an honor. What state are you in?</p>

<p>The wonderful state of Texas</p>

<p>I need my letter! I hope my principal notifies me if I got it or not tomorrow</p>

<p>My principal called me into his office today; I’m a finalist! So excited!</p>

<p>My principal notified me that I’m a finalist as well. Yay! </p>

<p>When do we find out if we’ve been awarded any scholarships? I assume in the letter we get in the mail?</p>

<p>I haven’t been notified by anyone of my status. I haven’t received a letter stating that I didn’t make it ( the other two semifinalists at my school did 2 weeks ago and 1 week ago respectively) but I also haven’t been notified by my principal yet either.</p>

<p>You find out about the scholarship in April</p>

<p>I haven’t received any kind of notification either! I actually called NMSC and they said for me to be patient, as letters to finalist’s homes were only sent out today.</p>

<p>Haven’t heard anything yet. Really would like to know one way or another today.</p>