National Achievement

<p>198 Virginia</p>

<p>Still no notification yet. Is that a bad sign for making finalist or a sign of why the postal service is going bankrupt?</p>

<p>My son just received his letter yesterday. We are from Missouri. He got a 213 or 215 on his PSAT. He got a 2330 on the SAT and a 35 on the ACT.</p>

<p>214 Louisiana</p>

<p>216, 2340, California</p>

<p>199, 2070, New York</p>

<p>What is the cutoff for Natl Achievement? Is it by state? If so, can someone tell me the cutoff for the Class of 2013 for Texas? TIA. I’m trying to help a friend.</p>

<p>No notification today. Hope for D is gone. A 205 in NJ doesn’t cut it for finalist.</p>

<p>Is anyone here up for both National Achievement and National Merit? My daughter is up for both. She received notification that she is a finalist for National Achievement, but hasn’t received anything about National Merit. The rejection letters went out in January and she didn’t get one. There are rumblings that they upped the requirements this year, but given what I’ve seen as the threshold she should be fine. I was under the impression that you could be a finalist for both, but couldn’t accept scholarships from both should you be offered them. Have the rules changed where one cancels out the other?</p>

NA cutoffs are by regions not states. If a 198 qualifies in VA, then a 205 in NJ should qualify. Did your daughter have another problem such as grades or other problem that could have lowered her chances? If not, she I would contact your GC directly. It seems like most of the NA notifications have been sent out.</p>



<p>Yeah, hi. It appears that there aren’t very many of us at all.</p>



<p>National Merit mail is sent out later than National Achievement mail. So you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Rejection letters have already been sent out a long time ago for the National Merit Semi-Finalists, so if you haven’t gotten one, barring some catastrophe of the United Postal Service, you are probably a Finalist in that, too.</p>

<p>Daughter has no issues. GPA-4.0; SAT-2250; has won state level awards, competed at national level in speech and debate; numerous other awards and athletics. Pretty surprising. Just haven’t asked so as to delay the disappointment.</p>

<p>I also did some homework on the NMSC and found a lot of concerns about the lack of transparency and huge state by state disparities. Regarding National Merit - NJ and MA are the two most difficult states to win in because the cut off for finalists was 223-225 but in many states its was far lower. Midwest states and Alaska had cut offs as much as 20 (200 if convert to an SAT equivalent) points lower (200-205).</p>

<p>So not all winners are created equal but its done to ensure that there are winners represented from everywhere. Maybe it’s a form of AA for the states. It is what it is.</p>

<p>NA have regional cutoffs.
NM have state custoffs (NJ, MA,etc). NM notifications are still going out. Are you waiting for NA or both?</p>

<p>D is NM commended so just NA.</p>

<p>Madabouttx, there’s usually a list on CC that has the cutoff scores for every state. It’s in the NM forum which is a subforum of the financial aid forum. I agree, it’s frustrating that the scores are so different from state to state, especially if you/your kid is from a high scoring state and you realize that in 90% of the states he/she would be NM. However, the rules are the rules, and I do understand why they do it that way.</p>

<p>D is a finalist! Confirmed it today. Took long enough.</p>

<p>I made finalist, 212, 2170, CA. When do we find out if we actually get the monetary award?</p>

<p>Has anyone been notified that they have been named a National Achievement winner yet?</p>

<p>We have not. Gotta be soon, tho.</p>