National Achievement

<p>Hey I will take the money</p>

<p>For those that took the PSAT in Oct. of 2012 and are graduating in May/June of 2014, I am gathering that we find out this Sept about National Achievement results? Where are the cut-off scores posted? Does anyone have an actual link to official cut-off scores?</p>


<p>CUt-off scores aren’t posted anywhere that I’m aware of. What score did you get?</p>

<p>There are no hard and fast cut offs. It’s all relative to how you perform against your peers in your region and the regions aren’t published either.</p>

<p>In general, scores in NJ and CA need to a lot higher than scores in Idaho, Alaska and Alabama.</p>

<p>@Madaboutx, how high would you say for NJ & CA?</p>

<p>you can google past cutoffs</p>

<p>I’ve seen past cutoffs for national merit online but not for national achievement. I haven’t even found what makes up a region for national achievement.</p>

<p>My personal experience would say that NJ and CA is somewhere around a 200 on the PSAT give or take 50 points.</p>

<p>This is true but anecdotal though so take it with a grain of salt.</p>

<p>I just found out that my school was contacted by the na people but didn’t tell me because they thought it was a secret. So to everyone worrying about not being a semi-finalist you might still be one!</p>

<p>Have not heard a word. Hmmm…I hope I made it but perhaps not. Sigh.
Good for you Westofguam!</p>


<p>Westofguam, do you mind telling what your score was and what state/region? Also, did they let you know when they received it?

<p>Thanks hsgrad. Even if you haven’t heard you might still be one (and since ccers tend to be really smart, I’m sure you will be one). My school wouldn’t have told me if I hadn’t went in to talk to them about something, and even then they actually only told me because they wanted me to sign up for the sat. They said that we should get officially notified in Sept.</p>

<p>Delboy I’m in the Mid Atlantic region and I got a 190. They didn’t tell me when they got the notification. My counselor said they weren’t supposed to tell. My score is a little low so maybe I will get commended, if they even have that for na, but I’m happy to get an honor at all.</p>

<p>Thank you westofguam.
I received a 198, in the mid-Atlantic region as well, but have not heard anything yet. In addition, I am a home-school student.</p>

<p>Delrey Did you get that letter in April or March or whenever?</p>

<p>West, yeah. My father, I believe, faxed it in.</p>

<p>I’m so anxious and nervous about this. It seems as if it is taking forever for us to find out! I had to test on the SAT and use those scores in lieu of my PSAT scores becuase of test irregularities. I scored 1860, PSAT equivalent 186. A close friend made the same score on the PSAT last year and is now NAF. I’m hopeful but unsure. Does anyone have any input??? Btw I’m in MS.</p>

<p>@LDGQQQ…OMG ! Were we supposed to have already gotten finalist info? I haven’t gotten any news about how to move on to the next round yet since spring (finding out about NASF status) :/</p>

<p>Well, I’m a little confused. I was informed that no one found out about NASF until early September. This is when my friend found about her NASF status. Finalists are not chosen until sometime next year.</p>

<p>Dear dudes and dudettes,
Has anyone else received notification of National achievement semi-finalist standing?</p>

<p>I am sure the high school will be slow to pass on any information. DS is probably going to be commended or “outstanding participant”. No word last spring and not sure how much they recognize that level.
191 in the midwest region.</p>

<p>204 in Midwest Region. I’m getting anxious!</p>