National AP Scholar

<p>How prestigious is this award? I sounds like a pretty big deal..."National"
Do colleges place a decent amount of weight on it? What if someone was shy of National AP by one score or something...How would they match up to someone who has National AP? ie. Exactly same AP tests and score for 7 tests. Person A got a 4 on APES. Person B got 3 on AP CS AB. Person A gets National AP, but Person B took a "harder" test. Would colleges value Person A more than Person B? </p>

<p>Also, should Person B submit their AP scores to colleges for evaluation? Should Person B still submit their scores if they are applying as a Computer Science major?</p>

<p>Colleges will be happy you took the course and took the test. They understand that some people just aren't good at test taking but are still geniuses. They really don't put that much emphasis on AP's since they already have SAT's (which is an exception to what I just said before) to look at.</p>

<p>you know kumar, i concur with clove</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>that should say it all...SIR!</p>

<p>Okay, so I'm a junior with seven 5s on relatively difficult exams at a school where freshmen and sophomores aren't allowed to take AP courses (I fought that and got into AP stat by calling my counselor and pretending to be my mom, but yeah, still). Will that be looked down upon by colleges in comparison to an applicant who got the National Scholar award with, say, two 4s and six 5s?</p>

<p>Sorry for such a ridiculous and particular question, but I'm having minor qualms in retrospect becasue I feel like I should have self-studied something else to get the award...gah. (And no, I'm not trying to be pretentious, it's just a question.)</p>

<p>I personally don't feel that it's that big of a deal.</p>

<p>I got seven 5's and one 4 up to my junior year, and qualified for National AP Scholar (although I could not get the award because I don't live in the US). </p>

<p>I did put, however, that I could qualify for National AP Scholar on all of my college applications. I really don't feel that National AP Scholar is that big of a deal, because I still had friends who did not get into HYP despite being National AP Scholar. Personally, I didn't get into HYP either (I was waitlisted at H and Y).</p>

<p>I think National AP Scholar only makes a difference if you're looking at schools below the Lower Ivies. At the very top, everyone has amazing courseloads, amazing activities, amazing recommendations, amazing essays...etc. It's going to take more than an award to distinguish yourself (and, it's not very difficult being National Scholar before junior year - compare with getting into the Semifinalists for Siemens or Intel - that takes much more than just having the commitment to self-study or take a bunch of AP courses). </p>

<p>ps. And, you must admit, it's not that hard getting a 4 or a 5 on an AP exam. With adequate preparation and intellect, it's basically just a question of motivation.</p>

<p>can you still be a National AP Scholar if you got 4s and 5s on 8 AP exams, but got a 3 on another one and your average for all your AP tests is greater than a 4?</p>

<p>RE eternity1155: Yeah, that fulfills the requirements for National AP.</p>

<p>how many people again typically get it before junior year.</p>

<p>i would say thats extremely rare as most people dont take APs before junior year.</p>

<p>in my area tons of people get it their junior year.</p>

how many people again typically get it before junior year.


<p>Do you mean before senior year? </p>

<p>If so, around 500 students.</p>

<p>wow, what area are you in icooufoo69? how many do you consider "tons"?</p>

<p>National AP Scholar is a good award to get after Junior year.</p>

<p>miami florida. in the school I attend, everybody was required to take 4 AP exams, and a pretty good portion of them scored 4s or better. Then at a neighboring school, although APs arent required, many students take/self study at least 3-4 before junior year then take 5+ junior year and get 4s or above.</p>


<p>How prestigeous is the award? I have taken 3 exams so far, and I'll be taking 4 my senior year (calc ab, chem, u.s. gov, comp gov) I could pick up AP Physics C so I'd have enough tests to get the award, but is it worth it? Physics is a very difficult subject, but I'm sure I could handle it if needed, so my overall question is would it be worth it for me to pick up Physics C(and a lot of work) to get the award, or is it not worth it?</p>

<p>How many tests are requried and what is the minimum score for each? :-&lt;/p>

<p>App. 500 juniors received national scholar in 2006. Here's the CB spreadsheet with numbers, by state</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>National AP Scholar
Granted to students in the United States who receive an average grade of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams.</p>

<p>National AP Scholar (Canada)
Granted to students in Canada who receive an average grade of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, and grades of 4 or higher on five or more of these exams</p>

How prestigeous is the award? I have taken 3 exams so far, and I'll be taking 4 my senior year (calc ab, chem, u.s. gov, comp gov) I could pick up AP Physics C so I'd have enough tests to get the award, but is it worth it? Physics is a very difficult subject, but I'm sure I could handle it if needed, so my overall question is would it be worth it for me to pick up Physics C(and a lot of work) to get the award, or is it not worth it?


<p>It only really matters if you get it before senior year.</p>

<p>Thanks MC Mom... so it says you can an average of 4 on all exams taken.. that's not so bad.. I'll have taken 7, so I can't go for the 8 or more over 4</p>