National Hispanic Recognition Program - Class of 2018

My daughter received her award over the weekend. I know this used to mean offers of full rides to some universities, but that is not the case anymore. Does anyone know of any universities that still offer that or even 50%?

I’m glad letters are going out - We are in greater Houston area and mail delivery still not back to normal after Harvey!!!.Hope to hear something soon.

Has anyone gotten a letter in New Jersey?

@ashnemsmom here’s a list we composed of a few notable ones.
I received my certificate in the mail and am confirmed as a Scholar. Grats to everyone!

just got my certificate in the mail, NJ

My daughter just received hers today, too! <:-P

Has anyone received notification in MO?

Received my certificate in the mail today, NJ. Congratulations to everyone who’s gotten accepted!

Still no notification in FL (and probably won’t be for a while thanks to Irma)…

ASU. Look under New American Scholarship.

My son received his certificate early this week! We’re in Indiana.

My son received his notification today (MO). Yeah!

My son just got his certificate in the mail this morning. We’re in Texas. Congrats to all who have received their notification, and ++++ thoughts for those still waiting. It’s nerve wracking!

My son received his certificate this past weekend. We’re in Texas. I’m so happy for him! So, does every student who applies receive the certificate once verification of their GPA is done?

Son received his letter yesterday. CA

Nothing in Vermont yet, anyone in New England receive their certificate.

Nothing in mail in PA. Called the number in the email from this Spring. They were very nice. Looked up D and confirmed she was selected. Said letters were “sent” on Sept 1 but should allow two weeks for delivery :-c

Just got my letter today in CA!

My son received his letter today in Northern California!

@KennyT Wow, didn’t know you could do that. I may end up calling if I don’t receive a letter before I send out my Early Applications. Who knows how slow USPS will be because of Irma! Still out of power myself…