National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>My GC had me sign the papers last week. With a 3.7 GPA, will I be listed as a NHRP Finalist? I am also wondering if anybody has information on NHRP scholarships for the University of Texas.</p>

<p>There are no finalists, just Honorable Mention (3.0-3.49) and Scholar (3.5+).</p>

<p>This thread has an extensive list of NHRP scholarships (also check the UT website, if available, NHRP scholarships should be listed there):</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>In my unofficial calculating of D’s GPA–it seems that she has an 89.97 average (weighted) at the end of her junior year.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what this is on a 4.0 scale?</p>

<p>I’m not positive, but my calculation would be:</p>

<p>4.0 x .8997 = 3.5988</p>

<p>You could ask on the Parents or College Admissions forum and see what folks think.</p>

<p>Got final grades and I think D will have a GPA at the end of junior year of a bit over 90. All calculations that I have seen (and there is certainly a range), consider a 90/ 100 average at least a 3.5. So it appears she will be able to make “scholar.”</p>

<p>Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>I had to sign the waiver in the spring meaning that I was a finalist, I had a PSAT score of 206 but my GPA is just over a 90 (like 90-91) but I take the full IB? Do you guys think I’ll be a finalist \ how do they take into account IB?</p>

<p>I don’t believe NHRP takes into account the rigor of your coursework when looking at your gpa. If your gpa is over 90, it doesn’t seem like there is a problem qualifying.</p>

<p>Hey guys. I had to go to school and sign a paper for this award in June. Does anyone know when I actually get it? o:</p>

<p>The NHRP website is given on post #1 of this thread. At the bottom of the website they list important dates for the award.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if virginia in the south or the mid atlantic region for the purposes of NHRP? I was surprised at the difference in the cutoffs for these two regions.</p>

<p>This was surprisingly hard to determine. I don’t know if this is accurate, but here is College Board’s breakdown of regional offices (go to p. 13). Since there are six of them and six regions for NHRP, they are probably the same and Virginia is in the South–sorry about that!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Here is a breakdown of 2011 cutoffs:</p>

<p>2011 National Hispanic Recognition Program Cutoff Scores
New England 184
Mid Atlantic 184
South 193
Southwest 182
Midwest 193
West 184</p>

<p>Any word yet on the 2011-2012 cutoffs?</p>

<p>I believe the cutoffs are made available in mid-April of the following year. So for this year’s October PSAT, it would be April 2012?</p>

<p>Thanks for the link to the map WW, glad someone’s thinking ;)!</p>

<p>The Class of 2011 found out in April 2010 (the spring following taking the PSAT as a jr in Oct 2009). So the Class of 2012 regional cutoffs would have been established this past April, and if you look back at the posts on this thread, many jrs were notified. GW or some other rising sr should give NHRP a call and ask for the official regional cutoffs and post them here.</p>

<p>Note: if you were not notified last spring but believe you have a score, gpa and Hispanic background that would qualify you for NHRP, it’s NOT too late. We have had several members in the past who for one reason or another (eg. didn’t mark Hispanic on PSAT, GC is not aware of the program, etc.) weren’t notified, but had their GC email or call NHRP in the fall, and were recognized.</p>

<p>My daughter scored 205 on her PSAT in her Junior year. She is a senior this year. She is Hispanic (her grandfather was born in Mexico). My daughter’s GPA is 3.7. She scored 1910 on the SAT. </p>

<p>We thought that because she received a letter already about National Merit Scholar that she’d automatically be a National Hispanic Scholar. When I spoke to her today, she said she did not realize she had to check a specific box on the PSAT. </p>

<p>What, if anything, can we do now? Is it too late.</p>

<p>wordworld…thanks for the link…it was difficult to determine where virginia should be–we are in NoVa which is more like mid-atlantic but remember that Richmond was the capital of the South… D is not going to score that high. She spoke spanish at home until 1st grade and was slow to read. She has been studying the PSAT but seems to only significantly improve the math–the writing part just mystifies her because all the sentances sound find. Fill in the blank on the writing just makes her head hurt. </p>

<p>She is in the top of her class; straight A’s, most challenging curriculum in one of the best public HS in the country but only a miracle would get her above 180. Too bad. Her brother who had mediocre grades easily broke 200 without thinking and almost perfect SATs…sigh. He turned down oodles of scholarships linked to the NHSRP to study art. I am happy for him, since he is precisely where he should be but don’t you wish you could “borrow” the scores of one kid for the other? S was i a bilingual program abroad so learned to read at 4 in both languages. We couldn’t afford private when we came to the states so D didn’t get that early boost (no full day kindergarten in our district either) and she has always had to work harder because of that delay. I am sure the work ethic will pay off for her in the long run, but these standardized tests are going to be tough for her. I figure she should take the SAT II in spanish just so she can see that she can get an 800 on one of these.</p>


<p>Read posts 355 and 317 from this thread. Also look through earlier posts to see what people did in a similar situation. ASAP call your child’s college counselor and college board/NHRP rep. Inform that your child failed to check off hispanic and what her score and grades are. Here is the contact person I found from post 355.</p>

<p>Palmer Harned
Program Associate
National Recognition and Scholarship Programs
The College Board
877.358.6777 (office)</p>

<p>You might have to check on to make sure that number and person are still good. Other students have made the same mistake so if you act now it should be fixable. Good luck.</p>

<p>Hello Everyone!</p>

<p>I was wondering if anyone knows what the cutoff score is for students in Mid-Atlantic states who took the PSAT in October of 2010?</p>


<p>Please see post #374 of this thread.</p>

<p>Has anyone received official notice from their GC that they are named National Hispanic Scholar? DD missed NMSF by ONE point, so really hoping for this to put on applications and apply for scholarships. Thanks!</p>