National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>Looking back to ~ post #248 in this same thread, it looks like CollegeBoard got the letters to schools around September 22/23 last year.</p>

<p>Do they come at the same time as NMSF and Commended letters? I heard those were to be released on the 16th.</p>

<p>My son is in the same position as many here. He just missed the CA NMSF cutoff but we’ve not even received the Commended letter from his school. Like someone else, he had ticked the multi-racial box on his application not realizing he could tick more than one box. We spoke to his counselor and she said the NMF sends letters to the school in the spring asking for nominations of Hispanic scholars and to verify their GPA’s. She had us sign a letter at that time to verify my S met all the other requirements but we’ve heard nothing since that time. He has a 4.0 unweighted and is far above the any of the NHRP cutoff’s for his PSAT. I hope we hear soon as we, too would like to add it to his college applications. He’s ready to send off a couple of these and we’re just waiting for the official news.</p>

<p>Still waiting here too. I looked it up and the College Board website says commended comes out later than Semi-finalist (like late September instead of mid-September). No information on NHRP, though!</p>

<p>I read the NHRP letters or names go out to schools in late September and colleges are notified in mid-October of those who are honored.</p>

<p>I got a letter from the Auburn “Office of University Scholarships” recognizing my selection as a National Hispanic Scholar. Here’s what the letter said</p>



<p>Congrats Sebo, sounds like the list has been sent to schools, so hopefully scholars will hear soon too!</p>

<p>I got a letter from University of New Mexico recognizing my status as a National Hispanic Scholar today. They offered me a scholarship that wavies the out of state portion of tuition and gives me a $200 stipend each year. The estimated value is $15,015 per year.</p>

<p>I also just received a letter from the University of New Mexico congratulating me for being recognized as a “National Hispanic Scholar,” but I have not heard anything from my GC about being named. Does this just mean colleges received the list before high schools?</p>

<p>Yes, it looks like they sent the list out to colleges before notifying students this year. Last year, the first posting of a student being notified was 9/22 and there were no reports of NHRP scholarship offers from colleges yet.</p>

<p>My possible NHRP friend also received those. I don’t know if I did or not because I told my mum to throw away all college letters/spam unless it’s from the ones I am applying to. I’ll ask her today if she threw away a New Mexico one.</p>

<p>based on the sheer volume of mail today, with some college brochures starting with Felicitones/Felicidades, I’m guessing the word is out to the colleges/universities that subscribe to NHRP. No word from the school yet though. Has anyone else received their official letter naming them as a National Hispanic Scholar?</p>

<p>H2H, do you mind sharing schools have you seen mail from (other than UNewMexico)? Very curious to hear … our mail gets in very late in the day!</p>

<p>My son got an email from Harvard (and likely others but this one he mentioned to me) congratulating him on his Hispanic achievement. But no word from the school yet.</p>

<p>D has been getting emails/ mail alluding to diversity or being Hispanic over the last few months. They have been getting more frequent in the last week or so. But so far, nothing actually mentions being a scholar.</p>

<p>I still think it may have to do with marking Hispanic on the SAT’s and achieving a specific benchmark score. (She got over a 700 on reading, for example.)</p>

<p>I guess we will be finding out very soon though! Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>My D has gotten several letters this week congratulating her on being a National Hispanic Scholar, but nothing official from NHRP or her school. I did get an email from college board saying that notifications would be mailed this week, so I guess the colleges got the info us? Congrats and good luck!</p>


<p>D got a postcard from Kenyon College that congratulates her for being an Hispanic Scholar. I guess she will hear soon from guidance.</p>

<p>Sorry, but the majority have already gone into recycling. I do specifically remember Kenyon as I would like her to apply there but she’s not interested :frowning: I’m guessing we should hear pretty soon?</p>

<p>Just a word of advice-save your mailings that refer to NHRP. Don’t throw them out until you are accepted and have decided which college you are going to attend. Our financial situation was threatened during my DS’s senior year so in Jan/Feb we went through his pile of NHRP mailings and he applied to one of the schools that offered a lot of NHRP money (over 100K). He was accepted within 2 weeks and it brought some relief during a tough time in case our financial situation went down the tubes. Fortunately our financial situation resolved itself but it was nice to have the application marked NHRP to fill out as a safety. The school was not on his list but he would have attended it if that was his only finanical option. You just don’t know how things are going to turn out so don’t throw those mailings away until the end.</p>

<p>That’s a great tip, itsv!</p>