National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>My son received his NHRP certificate today. We’re in California.</p>

<p>SBJ, is your DS home-schooled? Was this the “school” certificate, or his own notification, do you know?</p>

<p>SBJ–that is great news! Can’t wait for DD to get official notification. Anyone else gotten their certificate? Wonder if they send them out by regions or if they all go out at once?</p>

<p>Last year my D got her certificate at her sr. awards night; it likely varies with the HS.</p>


<p>Yes, he’s homeschooled so he does seem to get notification of things earlier than most kids. It’s a certificate from the College Board so I guess that’s the “official” one?</p>

<p>Got official certificate from GC today at school</p>

<p>Got letter from school today! Now just waiting on ELC…</p>

<p>Got news from DD College Counselor that school received notification today! Guessing that everyone else will be hearing this week as well.</p>

<p>Hopefully, we’ll get our notification soon then! My son’s been getting emails and mail congratulating him on his National Hispanic Scholar Recognition but has heard nothing from the school yet. His GC said they would call me first as they distribute and announce these at the weekly school Mass and will invite me to attend before they tell him. Supposedly I’m supposed to keep it confidential but how confidential is it if he’s already receiving emails from universities? Not to mention since he’s one of the ‘ushers’ at all school masses, he’d see me the moment I walked in the door and know why I was there! lol I’m just losing patience waiting for the ‘official’ announcement.</p>

<p>My daughter received her certificate from the school yesterday. We live in Central Florida</p>

<p>Got mine yesterday.</p>

<p>Anyone receive the official letter in Ohio? We’ve “heard” from GC and Gifted Ed coordinator but nothing offical in any way.</p>

<p>Finally heard from our GC today. It’s official - my son is a National Hispanic Scholar. They’ll present his certificate at Mass next week so we can finally include it on his applications.</p>


<p>Nothing here in OH either.</p>

<p>D got certificate today–but “Honorable Mention”, not “Scholar.”</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the criteria is for each? Personally I think it is because of an unresolved issue with her GPA, but want to check if there could be any other factor.</p>

<p>Here’s the story:</p>

<p>When guidance got D’s application last spring they sent it in without D’s Junior year grades. She had an 89.48 GPA (or there about). I believe our high school converted that to a 3.3 or 3.4. Using that info, she would be “honorable mention.”</p>

<p>However, with her junior year grades, her GPA rose to a 90.02. I spoke to the head of guidance in late June and she said she’d call the NHRP and say that her GPA was now higher. I had a quick follow up conversation with her and she said it was “taken care of” over the summer.</p>

<p>So now I get the “honorable mention” certificate today. I would like to get this resolved ASAP since D is applying ED and was planning on submitting her Common App next week.</p>

<p>Can anyone shed some more light on this? Are the designations based on more than GPA and PSAT grade (184).</p>

<p>Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Nothing here yet.</p>

<p>to uskoolfish: the national merit scholar site says: “Honorable Mention Finalists need a GPA between 3.0 to 3.49 and
Scholar Finalists need a minimum GPA of 3.5 and a 30 ACT or 1330 SAT.” So the issue could be GPA or SAT score.
By the way, my S has gotten tons of college letters of congrats on being a NHMS, but no official word from anyone yet… (we’re in CA)</p>

<p>Got mine today in Georgia.</p>

She would not qualify at all if her PSAT score weren’t over the threshold for your Region. Once the HS is notified that her PSAT qualifies, NHRP checks her gpa to be sure that she is 1/4 Hispanic according to their definition. If she didn’t meet their standards for being Hispanic, she wouldn’t get NHRP at all, it is the gpa that determines the difference between Scholars and HM.</p>

<p>Since the NHRP website specifically states:</p>



<p>You should call them directly and try to get this resolved.</p>

<p>I will call them tomorrow. Her 90.02 gap is at least a 3.5. Actually according to a College Board conversion it is a 3.7. Her PSAT and 1/4 Hispanic background check out. Never heard anything before about needing a specific sat or act score. But she has a 1330 (superscored) and a 29 act.</p>