National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>Call NHRP, contact info in the first post of this thread.</p>

<p>If you’re a current sr, it is too late for recognition.</p>

<p>If you’re a current jr, new cutoffs are not out yet, but they usually are within a point or two of last year’s.</p>

<p>The NHRP emailed me back. They said: "The cutoff score for students who took the October 2012 PSAT/NMSQT as juniors will not be determined until early-mid April. However, for juniors who took the October 2011 PSAT/NMSQT in the Southern Regions, the cutoff score is 193. This score may vary slightly either way but it gives you an idea of the requirement for this year.</p>

<p>Please feel free to contact us again in late April and we’ll be happy to provide you with the cut score for the Southern Region."</p>

<p>sharis, thanks for reporting back!</p>

<p>NHRP Regional cutoffs for the Class of 2013 are:</p>

<p>Region 1 - New England - 185
Region 2 - Mid Atlantic - 184
Region 3 - South - 193
Region 4 - Southwest - 182
Region 5 - Midwest -
Region 6 - West - 184</p>

<p>Link to map of Regions:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hi Entomom, I’m back with kid#2! S is now a college freshman and was thrilled with the additional options given to him as a result of NHRP (although I don’t think it changed where he eventually matriculated, but options are good!). D1 is a sophomore and did well enough to have made NHRP had she been a junior. She is a smart girl but her grades are iffy–here is my question. The College Board website says the minimum GPA is 3.0, NOT 3.5 as I had always assumed, the same as NMF (that was not an issue for S, his grades were sky-high). D makes the lower cutoff–barely. Assuming she does as well next year on PSAT, do you or anyone else on this Board know which GPA is the correct cutoff? And, which classes are used to calculate the GPA? Do they weight honors or APs?<br>
I will be using this as a HUGE incentive to get her to try harder for those As in all classes and at least Bs in honors/APs.<br>
As always Entomom, my hat is off to you!</p>

<p>Welcome back WW! Glad to hear your S is doing well in college.</p>

<p>The gpa cutoff according to the NHRP letter we received is 3.5 for Scholar designation and 3.0-3.49 for Honorable Mention.</p>

<p>WW, If the school transcript has a weighted gpa then, I believe, that is the one they will use.</p>

<p>They will use the school transcripts. My son was reclassified this year because our counselor made a mistake on his transcripts. Luckily, I was able to catch the mistake on time and she requested his re-qualification. He is a senior, got accepted where he wants to go, and into the Honors College… we are just waiting on the scholarship letter to come…
Good luck!</p>

<p>I apologize in advance if this is a redundant question! My youngest son scored 206 on PSAT last October which is historically far above the NHRP cutoff for our state. Will application paperwork for NHRP be sent to his counselor and/or should I remind her to be on the look out of the paperwork? This is my second son and I am embarrassed to admit that I forgot how I handled it the last time!</p>

<p>^I do not believe there was any paper work to be filled out for NHRP. If I recall correctly, the school counselors will let you know when they know and you will receive confirmation in the mail.</p>

<p>Perazziman is wrong with his belief. Sunnyone with NHRP typically what happens is that Collegeboard will send the paperwork to your high school guidance counselor in the Spring of Junior year. The GC calls into student into their office and they complete it together. Your son will just have to attest that he is at least 25% Hispanic; has a gpa of at least 3.5 and has the qualifying PSAT score for your region. The GC also signs the forms and then submits them to Collegeboard. Collegeboard will send a certificate to your son’s high school in the Fall of senior year and your son will receive a mailing from Collegeboard notifying hm of the award. His name will also be included on the cd that goes out to colleges over the summer before senior year. </p>

<p>I would gently remind your gc to be on the lookout for the paperwork. If for some reason the paperwork is not submitted in the Spring then you can still do it in the Fall of senior year but it must be done by a certain time deadline.</p>

<p>Agree w/itsv. It’s important to keep track of the timeframe yourself as HS GCs often are not familiar with NHRP or the paperwork goes to the wrong person and gets lost. Google NHRP, the website gives the timeline.</p>

<p>p.s. the gpa threshold is 3.0, but in order to become a ‘scholar’ and be eligible for most (all?) NHRP scholarships, the student must have a 3.5 Wgpa. Those between 3.0-3.4 will receive another title which I can’t recall right now :confused:.</p>

<p>itsv, did your child make NHRP scholar last year? Mine did and I am almost certain he did not complete any paper work with or without the counselor. When he comes back from school I will double check and let you know. However, I know because I was very concerned about the ethnicity question, since he is Hispanic from his mother’s side only. So, I was constantly nagging son if the counselor had asked him to come in to verify if he was Hispanic and sign the paper work. </p>

<p>In any case, there is no harm to check with the counselor in April to make sure the paperwork has been sent out.</p>

<p>I don’t recall either ds doing paper work either.</p>

<p>The HS GC receives, completes and submits the paperwork, but they usually call the student in to inform them about the nomination.</p>

<p>Perazziman-My own children since 2009 and those I counsel have had to sign the paperwork for NHRP and it has been that way for awhile. My DD qualified for this year and her GC told her this week she would call her to the office to sign it this Spring. As entomom correctly points out-the HS GC does most of the work completing the form. Many times the GC just puts a paper in front of the student with a command to “sign this” and the student does and doesn’t realize it is for NHRP. </p>

<p>The main point is to make sure a Hispanic student with a qualifying PSAT score is identified as Hispanic on their PSAT and that Collegeboard knows this. April is when the GC and student must submit the verification. [PSAT/NMSQT</a> Scholarships & Recognition](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>For Students: National Recognition Programs - BigFuture)</p>

<p>Entomom-a student with a gpa between 3.0 and 3.4 is known as “Honorable Mention”. Just a few schools give a scholarship for that level. Most of the $$ is for Finalist (aka Scholar) level.</p>

<p>Thanks ITSV! Fortunately my younger son has the same GC as older son, so she knows our family - younger son will qualify (206/3.844 and hispanic) Do you know when the paperwork is sent out? I would only like to gently mention to look out for the paperwork once and close to when it is mailed out to schools.
Thank you!</p>

<p>Sunnyone-according to the link I posted it says HS GC is notified in April and student/GC do the verification. Congrats to your son and you are lucky your GC knows your family. I would start bugging GC around first of April. People on this forum usually will post when they are called into GC office.</p>

<p>Two questions:</p>

<p>1) Do you guys know what PSAT score is used, or even if I would be eligible for this if I repeat? I am currently a 10th grader and I am applying to boarding school as a repeat 10th grader. So, if I am accepted to boarding school as a repeat 10th grader will my PSAT score this next fall (my repeat 10th grade year) count, or will my PSAT score the following year, my 11th grade year (even though it will be the fall of my 4th year in high school), count? Or will I not be eligible since I would have 5 years of high school?</p>

<p>2) If I am accepted to boarding school, how will they calculate my GPA to determine if I have over a 3.5 weighted GPA? At my present school I have over a 4.0 weighted GPA. So if I have let’s say a 4.2 for my first two years of high school, and then I go to a boarding school for the next 3 years will they average my 2 years of my current school GPA together with the next 2 years of my boarding school GPA (assuming I get accepted)? Or would they simply look at the GPA of the boarding school since that would be my current school?</p>


<li>The NM website says this for general (not specific to NHRP) requirements:</li>



<p>NHRP states:</p>



<p>My assessment is that the PSAT needs to be taken jr year to qualify; call NHRP to be sure.</p>

<li>I know noting about how boarding schools work, call the school and ask.</li>