National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>This is my second child going through the NHRP process. A few months ago I emailed NHRP to confirm he was on the list. They confirmed and even told me which GC the paper work was being sent to + what needed to be done. After the paper work was received, they emailed me again to confirm receipt AND let me know he qualified and should be officially notified in September. They are extremely helpful and responsive. </p>

<p>I live in an area where there are not many URMs and I know I need to always have my kids on their radar because they tend to blend well. </p>

<p>I always say, “If not you, than who”? Please be your child’s foremost and best advocate in this process.<br>
Email is easier to get through to NHRP than by phone in my experience. </p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<p>son: PSAT 206
GPA 3.9</p>

<p>I’m sorry I’m not sure how to copy the cutoff list on my phone but the class of 2014 cutoff for NJ (Mid-Atlantic) is 188 according to Collegeboard.</p>


<p>NHRP Regional cutoffs for the Class of 2014 are:</p>

<p>Region 1 - New England -
Region 2 - Mid Atlantic - 188
Region 3 - South - 199
Region 4 - Southwest - 182
Region 5 - Midwest - 197
Region 6 - West - 186</p>

<p>CB Regions:</p>

<p><a href=“Our Regional Offices – About Us | College Board”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>We are in PA & my son got a 199, has over a 3.0 (actually 92/100 composite average). He is 50% Hispanic and marked the box on the test. We have heard nothing about this. Never received anything from CB or his school. Something does not sound right. What do we need to do to get him on the list. Do we contact CB? His school? Is it too late?</p>

<p>If his HS GC is still around or there is anyone else in the office, have them contact NHRP to get the paperwork right now. Have them call and email, see the bottom for contact info:</p>

<p>[PSAT/NMSQT</a> Scholarships & Recognition](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>For Students: National Recognition Programs - BigFuture)</p>

<p>If the GC is gone for the summer, contact NHRP yourself and ask them how to proceed.</p>

<p>NHRP cuts off recognition in Sept, so you need to have this cleared up before then. There’s still time but you should act immediately.</p>

<p>Thanks entomom!! Will contact the school tomorrow. When we received nothing I had just assumed the cutoff must be north of 200. Glad to hear there is time to reconcile this.</p>

<p>You’re welcome! Every year there are students that miss the initial notification in the spring but get the recognition once they contact NHRP and turn in the necessary paperwork.</p>

<p>Unfortunately many HS GCs are unfamiliar with NHRP and how it works, so things get lost/misplaced/etc. Also, I’m not sure NHRP always catches all the kids that mark Hispanic and have scores that qualify.</p>

<p>Good luck and let us know if you have any problems. Be sure to check out the Resources sticky thread at the top of this forum for great information on scholarships, past Results, diversity fly-in visits, etc. Finally, there are many helpful and knowledgeable members on this forum who are willing to help with developing a college list, etc.</p>

<p>My son received a 36 composite on the ACT, but has a 3.2 GPA at a well known boarding school in the Northeast. Varsity sports, other extracurriculars make him look well rounded. Has Yale as his first choice , interested in other Ivies, will apply to Lafayette, others . He has been disorganized in his work and time management - no excuses. Course load is demanding , 500 level. Chances at Ivies ? HRP realistic options?</p>

<p>About NHRP, it’s based on jr year PSAT, not SAT or ACT, did your son meet the cutoff for your Region (see post #643)? And the gpa cutoff is 3.5 for Scholar designation and 3.0-3.49 for Honorable Mention; this can be a weighted gpa, I’m not sure if the one you gave is W or UW. As far as I know, all scholarships are for Scholars only, you can find a list of colleges that offer NHRP scholarships on the Resources sticky thread at the top of this forum.</p>

<p>Please use the New Thread button and start a new thread to ask about Chances, but you may want to change your post to ask about building a college list rather than Chances, as many members on this forum don’t put much weight in those kinds of predictions (there is a What are my Chances? forum here on CC, but venture there at your own risk ;)). More emphasis here is put on developing a realistic list of admissions and financial safety, match and reach schools.</p>

<p>While I’m sure members here are willing to help with suggestions, your best resource is likely the GC at your son’s boarding school. They should have a good idea of schools for your son based on results in past years, as gpa, rigor of coursework, etc. are assessed by colleges relative to the HS attended. Also, many boarding school GCs have existing relationships with admissions staff at selective colleges.</p>

<p>I contacted College Board & they confirmed my son is on the list under consideration for NHRP. They sent a request for additional information to his school’s guidance dept. back in April. Now I am back dealing with his school to make sure the necessary information is provided to CB. Not there yet, but making progress. Thanks again entomom!! I’ll let you know once I make more progress.</p>

<p>Glad to hear things are working out!</p>

<p>Thank you for all the helpful resources! I got called into my counselor’s office in April for this, but I hadn’t realized earning NHRP could actually open so many doors.</p>

<p>Finally got thru to my DS school guidance counselor. She forwarded the necessary info on to CB. Received email today from CB notifying us that my DS is a NHRP scholar & will receive an award in Sept! Again, many thanks to Entomom. I can’t believe we almost missed this opportunity. Had we not pestered my S school, he may never have gotten the award. What a learning lesson in being aware, following up & being an advocate for yourself.</p>

<p>Great news FD! Enjoy the rest of your summer!</p>

<p>Thanks to Entomom and others. I hadn’t known about NHRP and its benefits until reading this forum. My son did not designate himself as Hispanic on the PSAT junior year. To make a long story short, we emailed the address suggested by Entomom, received a reply that he was definitely eligible. His GC contacted the college board and received the form that my son signed and returned today. So looks like he will make it in time for the fall mailing. Many thanks.</p>

<p>Congrats to your S, glad to hear things worked out!</p>

<p>I was just looking at the NHRP information again and it said that the students will be receiving a congratulatory letter from NHRP in the mail sometime in September. Has anyone received this letter yet? Thanks!</p>

<p>@kids9396: No, but some people I know got emails from colleges saying they were eligible for scholarships now that they won National Hispanic Recognition. I guess that means they were sent out today.</p>

<p>Thank you Latin4life. We will keep an eye on the mailbox and inbox.</p>

<p>Sorry if someone posted this already but…</p>

<p>If your guidance department submitted your name to college board as an eligible candidate for NHRP, will you receive a letter telling you that you did not make it if you did not? Or do they only send letters to those who have received recognition?</p>