National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>I got the certificate from my college counselor today! Still waiting for something in the mail.</p>

<p>We are on east coast. I could take a 1hr drive & pick up the letter myself so it’s not a west coast thing. Not too worried. I have email correspondence from CB from this summer stating he’s on the list. Just wondering as I know how things can slip through the cracks.</p>

<p>Woo Hoo! My daughter received her letter from CB today.</p>

<p>Yes! Ours arrived today as well. Even though we knew it was coming, still feels great to finally get the letter. University of New Mexico wasted no time as my S received a congrats letter & notice he would be eligible for a $16k+/yr scholarship! And to think we didn’t even know this opportunity existed 6 mo ago…thank you CC! Congrats to all recipients!</p>

<p>Got mine too! Anyone know how significant this award is in making your application shine, if trying to get into a highly selective university such as an Ivy League school?</p>

<p>At last, my dd received her NHRP certificate from her counselor today at school. She indeed is a NHRP scholar. We however have not received the congratulatory letter in the mail yet. I am sure we will get it in the next day or 2. Thanks to all for the help and information on the NHRP and Congratulations to all.</p>

<p>Congrats to all who have received notification and many more to come!</p>

<p>awesomeness, </p>

<p>NHRP is a great award, particularly for the opportunities it provides for merit awards. For highly selective schools (I don’t like singling out specific athletic leagues), NHRP will be good, but to be a competitive candidate you’ll need additional proof/recognition of your academic achievement such as high gpa, rigorous courseload, great LORs, awards, etc. At this level, the Hispanic pool is very competitive.</p>

<p>My son received his letter today!</p>

<p>From Southern California. 212 PSAT, 4.5 cum Weighted GPA, 3.98 cum unweighted GPA. Received letter in mail today, nothing from counselor yet. How prestigious is this? Equivalent to national merit scholar? is it good for anything?</p>



<p>Please see post #687.</p>

<p>List the free stuff you get. I got app fee waiver at Richmond and Colby admissions. any others so far?</p>

<p>^ I’m NHRP and plan on applying to Colby (one of my favorite schools). How did you go about getting a fee waiver?</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me why Portugal is not on the list of “eligible” countries? It doesn’t make any sense to me, particularly since one of the countries on the list (Brazil) is hispanic largely by virtue of having been colonized by the Portuguese.</p>

<p>From the NHRP website:</p>

<p>For purposes of the NHRP, you must be from a family whose ancestors came from at least one of these countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay or Venezuela.</p>

<p>Portuguese background is not considered Hispanic/Latino for the US Census, CA, or any Hispanic scholarship program that I have seen.</p>



<p>For a definitive answer about why Brazil qualifies for NHRP, you would need to ask the NHRP itself.</p>

<p>We received our letter but the school has not received the certificates yet. Is anyone else in this situation?</p>

<p>The school should have gotten the certificate. At my daughter’s school, it came addressed to the person who administers the psat rather than the principal, so the school had no idea she had gotten the award. I would have your school contact the college board.</p>

<p>I have to admit that it is strange that both Spain and Brazil qualify for NHRP, but not Portugal.
Whenever boundaries need to be drawn where things are not clear cut, someone will be left on the wrong side of the boundary!</p>

<p>^ The designation of Spain (and exclusion of Portugal) is consistent with the US Census definition of Hispanic, but the inclusion of Brazil is not.</p>

<p>when are the cutoff scores released for the psat for class of 2015?</p>

<p>Read the first post of this thread for a link to the NHRP program, they give the timetable and other relevant information. Then go to the Resources sticky thread at the top of this forum, under Academic Recognition, read threads with past Regional cutoff scores.</p>