National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>The only notification DS received was from the high school: he received a certificate with his name indicating that he was a National Hispanic Recognized Scholar. Nothing else came to the school or in the mail. I don’t know if he received anything in his email account and he didn’t mention anything.</p>

<p>Maybe because there were a number of NHRP scholars this year in California? Our experience, so far, has not reflected any benefits as a NHRP scholar; paper award for the scrapbook. NM award has helped a little in some of the California schools.</p>

<p>As I said earlier, the main scholarship benefit of NHRP is for students who do not receive NMS. A scrapbook page for one applicant may be the difference between being able to afford a college or not for another. </p>

<p>I called CB NHRP today and I got a phone number for the people that will be handling the NHRP. I found out that for TX(Region 4, Southwest), the cutoff score for 2015 graduates, 181. In the past, you would call CB and they would ask you what state you were asking about and your student and they would give you cutoff. Now you have to call the other number for Scholarship Managment. </p>

<p>Entomom, let me know if we are allowed to post phone numbers or if each parent just needs to contact CB and have them give the number out directly to them. I’m not sure what we can and can’t post and don’t want to make mistake.</p>

<p>Also different this year from years past, they will now send the student an email by next Tues (May 6th) and they will follow the link given to complete the NHRP application on-line. My older son who was a 2011 grad NHRP student was called to his HS GC and signed a form. The GC submitted the paperworkd. The person I talked to said this is first year that it will be different and CB will contact student directly from information they have provided on CB.</p>

<p>Hope this information is helpful to other parents in Region 4, Southwest(Texas)</p>

<p>If you don’t get that email by next Tues, your student needs to contact the NHRP program. </p>

<p>Thank you so much for posting this information on the new NHRP process! Yes, feel free to post phone number.</p>

<p>I’ll also start a running tally of the Regional cutoffs for the Class of 2015:</p>

<p>Region 1 - New England -
Region 2 - Middle States-
Region 3 - Southern -
Region 4 - Southwestern - 181
Region 5 - Midwestern -
Region 6 - Western - </p>

<p>Link to CB Regions:</p>

<p><a href=“Our Regional Offices – About Us | College Board”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The phone # to call to find out your regions cut-offs is 507.931.2015. </p>

<p>This is also the same number to call after next Tues if your student did not receive an email from CB and you met the cut-off for your state/region. You will need to then fill out that application on-line.</p>

<p>Thank you Entomom for doing the running tally per region.</p>

<p>Just got an email from the college board stating that my child may be eligible for NHRP. </p>

<p>Thank you for letting us know about the new procedures this year. I can’t wait to see what all the cutoff scores are!</p>

<p>Platana - That is awesome! What was written in the Subject line? Which Region are you in and did it mention anything about cutoff scores?</p>


<p>Thanks for posting that. We got the first email today. It’s just a “heads up” from the college board to let students know to watch out for the application email in the next several days. This is very different than the previous process. It doesn’t sound like the school counselors will be the gate keepers, or at least not the only ones, of information. Maybe the college board wised up to the fact that it is very hard for students in smaller schools to get counselors to do anything over the summer. </p>

<p>Also different, according to the email, is that one of the qualifications is that the student be at least 25% Hispanic or Latino. I don’t recall any % in prior years. My older son was a NHRP scholar, class of 2013. </p>

<p>We are definitely doing the happy dance here. We are also in Texas and son’s PSAT was 207. The mail is about to get much more interesting. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Was everyone supposed to get an email? I have a 209 in NY but I haven’t gotten anything.</p>

<p>SavedTatWhim, I doubt anyone here can give you a definitive answer to that. This is a whole new process this year. Best advice is to call the number above. And check your spam folder. </p>



<p>25% Hispanic has always been the NHRP requirement. Does the email also mention a 3.0 gpa? Sounds like they may have sent this preliminary email to any student that marked Hispanic on their PSAT. </p>

<p>Please note: if you don’t receive an email next week and/or are unsure if you marked Hispanic, give NHRP a call. If you make the cutoff for your Region and fulfill the Hispanic and gpa requirements, they will still give you recognition (at least they have in the past).</p>

<p>Anyone who has a cutoff for a Region that hasn’t been posted, please feel free to copy and paste the tally and add the new cutoff score.</p>

<p>Best of luck to all this coming week!</p>


<p>Sorry, I guess I missed that % from prior years. Yes, it mentions the 3.0 gpa. I just went back and re-read the email. It says that the criteria for NHRP is the same as previous years. It also says, “In several days, you will receive an email from <a href="”></a> with instructions on how to apply for the NHRP." So, if it went to all students who marked Hispanic, they will be directing all of them to the Scholarship America site. This is curious since, in the past, there wasn’t a separate application, just a verification of eligibility. I went to the website for Scholarship America. It’s a private organization that doesn’t appear, from it’s website, to be affiliated with the College Board. But the email son received this morning came from the College Board. Maybe they are outsourcing the process of determining eligibility. </p>

<p>The subject line is: Apply for the National Hispanic Recognition Program</p>

<p>It also lists the additional requirements - min GPA, min % Latino, and that psat must have been taken in junior year. </p>

<p>We are in New England and our score was 198. </p>

<p>Can anyone confirm what the application looks like once the link is clicked?</p>

<p>My S has NOT gotten CB email telling him to watch for other email with the application link. We checked spam mail and not there. We checked his college board MyCollegeQuickStart to make sure his email is correct and it was. So don’t know why some students got email telling them to watch for email. On Friday, I called the Scholarship America number that I got from CB and they gave me the cutoff score for Southwest. My S marked his PSAT as hispanic and he has the GPA. So don’t know why we haven’t gotten anything from CB nor Scholarship America. When I talked to SA they told me that they were being hired by CB to handle the applications for NHRP.</p>

<p>Curious to how many have gotten this email.</p>

<p>My D received an email on Friday telling her to watch for the registration email…we are in the Southwest Region.</p>

<p>@MeTexn I’m in the same position as your son. How are you going to handle it?</p>

<p>My DD got the email saying to watch for more email…we are in NJ</p>

<p>@SavedTatWhim‌ When I called Friday,they told me an email should be there by Tues.& instructed to wait till Tuesday. Then if no email from CB nor Scholarship America, they told me to call SA back then. So we will wait till then. I’m glad to hear others haven’t gotten emails either but that sounds like CB. They post some SAT scores and not others for a few days. So guessing the same thing here.</p>