National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>@MeTexn when you called did they mention anything about the selectivity of the program this year? The CB website is making it seem like people can be rejected by the program.</p>

<p>I asked them if anything had changed because my older S was NHRP Scholar in 2011. I mentioned the requirements older S had and he said they had NOT changed. He said the only thing that had changed is the communication. As was with my older S, before the school GC would get the info and the student would sign the form agreeing to being 25% or more Hispanic and the CG would send GPA with the form back to CB. He said now the application is done thru them(SA) but for CB using CB criteria that they have always had: the cutoff score per region plus the GPA and Hispanic criteria. He said nothing else had changed. I thought about asking him after I got off phone but by then it was after 5pm but wanted to ask if this application will be used to contact the school GC to verify GPA. I thought I’d wait to see what detail instructions are on the application before asking.</p>

<p>My son also got the email last week . We are also in the Southwest region (Texas). </p>

<p>Just called NHRP - they said they do not have the cutoff scores yet, try back next Wednesday. I’m in the Southwest Region. Does anyone know where the 181 cutoff score came from? Thanks!</p>

<p>Ok - Did a little more checking on my own and as one of the previous posting stated Scholarship Management Services is handling the notifications. I spoke to the gentleman in charge of NHRP there and he said they will be sending out the application with the link tonight and tomorrow. Good Luck everyone ! :smiley: </p>

<p>any news on the Southern region cut off?</p>

<p>195 in NC</p>

<p>I contacted Scholarship Mgmt Serv again this morning because my S did not receive “watch for email” email. They looked him up and said that the application email goes out today just like ladybug19 said previously. He doesn’t know why some kids got the “watch for email” email while others didn’t like my S but that my S is on the list and verified his email address to make sure they had correct address. </p>

<p>He still told me cut-off for 2015 for TX is 181(Southwest) again, so don’t know why NHRP said this morning to other parent they don’t have it. When I called NHRP last Friday they immediately referred me to SMS and gave me their # because they said SMS would have the details not them. My recommendation would be for another parent besides myself to call SMS and ask to see if they gave different answers. I did get told my NHRP they didn’t have the info but that SMS would and that’s who gave me the 181. It was 182 for last 2014 seniors.</p>

<p>SMS phone number is 507.931.0624 and person who answers phone is Santiago. Why would he give me 181 for Southwest, if he didn’t know for sure? I asked Friday and again today to verify the year and he said “2015”. That SMS number was given to me by NHRP.</p>

<p>My DD received the invitation today at 12:29pm EDT.</p>

<p>Region 1 - New England -
Region 2 - Middle States-
Region 3 - Southern - 195
Region 4 - Southwestern - 181
Region 5 - Midwestern -
Region 6 - Western -</p>

<p>OK just as I finished sending last post, got email from my S at school during his lunch time, he got NHRP invitation to complete the application. It does say in letter that the application will require a signature from his high school official. Deadline for application submission is 7.20.14. My S and I will log on to the link given later today to see what is required. They also give you an invitation # to use. </p>

<p>Has anyone from California received an email regarding NHS?</p>

<p>When I called SMS, I was told that the cutoff for New England is 185 this year. </p>

<p>Sorry I mis-typed deadline for on-line application, it’s 7.10.14 (fat fingers). </p>

<p>I also just saw on the Eligibility Verification Form that the school still needs to indicate the student’s award level based on GPA (on 4.0 scale): Scholar (GPA 3.5 and higher), Honorable Mention (GPA 3.0 -3.49) and Ineligible (falls below 3.0) PLUS END OF JR year GPA. The award levels didn’t change from previous years.</p>

<p>Since the schools used to receive this information from NHRP in previous years, we don’t know if they have always asked for end of junior year gpa or if it was mid-term. </p>

<p>My older S who graduated in 2011 only had to sign the form verifying that he was at least 1/4 Hispanic. We never saw any forms or award levels. He was a Scholar but we didn’t know that till September when he got the award in the mail from NHRP. Now the student will see the form signed by the school since the student will have to upload this form and attach to the on-line application. At least now the student will know what the school filled out for them instead of like in the past, you didn’t know if school remembered to submit the forms, or sent correct GPA , or selected correct award. It is better knowing before September even though a little more work for the student and responsibility to get it there on time.</p>

<p>D received the invitation email this afternoon - emailed GC to let her know that the notification process changed this year and requested to meet with her to fill out the form on Friday. I’m not too sure how GC will handle the GPA since it says Junior year - but I did speak to Scholarship America and Santiago said that their current GPA would be accepted - so they would not have to wait until the end of the year to calculate their “Junior Year GPA” We are in the Southwest Region “Texas”</p>

<p>Region 1 - New England - 185
Region 2 - Middle States-
Region 3 - Southern - 195
Region 4 - Southwestern - 181
Region 5 - Midwestern -
Region 6 - Western -</p>

<p>I am a bit confused as to how to determine %hispanic. Do they mean to qualify you must have 1 grandparent who is 100% Hispanic OR do they mean one grandparent who is of Hispanic descent? Meaning my daughter’s paternal grandfather is Hispanic, but was born in the states. Does that disqualify her?</p>

<p>I don’t think whether the grandparent was born in the US or not makes a difference. Either way, if both of their parents are Hispanic, then they would still be 100% Hispanic and your daughter would be 25% Hispanic. </p>

<p>For example, the US born children of MA immigrants to the US are considered 100% Hispanic.</p>

<p>Has anyone from the Midwest region received an email or called to find out the cutoff score? </p>