National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>We received an email from Fordham that mentioned full tuition scholarships for NHRP Scholars. </p>

<p>I got an email from the University of Iowa about merit based scholarships and congratulating me on being a NHRP Scholar. That is the only thing I have received.</p>

<p>Yes! Not sure it was due to NHRP, but safe to assume because we received an increased offer last week!</p>

<p>I called the NHRP phone number today because my daughter also received the email saying she needed to resubmit her information and then got the email confirming they received the new info she submitted, but no letter yet. The person found my daughters name but said the certificates will all be mailed together at the end of October, not September. He also told me that the information to the colleges will not be sent out until end of October. Has anyone else been given this information? It seems to contradict the end of September date.</p>

This is the first year for the new method of applying for NHRP recognition. It’s likely that due to problems with the new system, NHRP is delaying sending notification to students and colleges to assure that all qualified students are recognized. </p>

<p>My son received an offer front he University of Iowa as well as University of New Mexico and Fordham. All mentioned his National Hispanic Scholar status so some of the colleges must have been notified? Not sure.</p>

<p>@Lulu213 Thanks for making that call! I was wondering when the next batch of notifications would come out.</p>

<p>question about required GPA; does it have to be a 3.0 with all your grades from 9th to 11th grade, or with just your junior year grades?</p>

<p>Your overall GPA from 9th through the end of 10th grade.</p>

<p>Oops, 11th, not 10th. Lol</p>

<p>According to the College Board folks when updating NHRP applicants in late summer, the notifications were going to be done in two waves this year - September for those who were able to complete the registration/application information by the original date and October for those who finished the application when the system was reopened. This is why some people have their letters and others have still heard nothing.</p>

<p>Son received two letters today from ASU and U of A. </p>

<p>I’ve gotten information from ASU, U of A, KU, and a few others that I can’t recall off of the top of my head. Also scored a 207 on the PSAT. A friend who is also a NHRP scholar scored a 231.</p>

<p>worcester Polytechnic</p>

<p>Finally received the Certificate!! I had actually called today because Nov 1 is looming.</p>

<p>Did you apply for the second round with the sept 25th due date too?</p>

<p>Yes, my DD did. She had applied earlier, but her verification form didn’t get uploaded properly (I scanned the document, and evidently the file was too big for their system) so basically this is from the second round.</p>

<p>Daughter has received letters from Iowa State, Arizona, Arizona State, Evansville, Fordham, Juniata, Westminister, Mississippi State, South Carolina, New Mexico, Worcester Polytechnic, Northeastern, Boston College, UAB. All mentioning scholarships for NHRPS.</p>

<p>Son was accepted to ASU Barrett Honors College. Hoping this will be his first choice.</p>

<p>Planning ahead for upcoming year for our younger daughter. We are US citizens working for the Department of Defense…living in Belgium. What scores do we look to for qualifications…our home of residence?</p>