Need a controversial political topic!!

<p>I need a controversial political topic for a research paper in my honors english class.</p>


<p>Turn on the news.</p>

<p>The bailout plan, for instance.</p>

<p>that’s not controversial enough. and it needs to last for the rest of the semester. interesting too.</p>

<p>^burn, bailout plan is very controversial, read into it instead of looking at what it seems like. The plan is paying for more than you think.</p>

<p>Or how about Gitmo? There’s a story right now on CNN about the youngest Gitmo prisoner and whether or not he even did what he did, which ties in to Obama’s tentative plan to close Gitmo soon.</p>

<p>Stem cell research.</p>


<p>Abortion! Same Sex Marriage</p>

<p>Blago is not controversial, he’s already been impeached. Stem cell is another good one.</p>

<p>Ah, I get what you mean.</p>

<p>My first thought was also Guantanamo; many people in my class are divided over the whole situation, but I’m not sure if that’ll last till the end of semester.</p>

<p>Try something in foreign policy. That’s always controversial.</p>

<p>stem cell, abortion and maybe same sex marriage is good. I want to **** off all the conservative kids in my class (i live in ID mind you). </p>

<p>but we have to have a butt load of sources for it, so keep that in mind, that’s why same sex marriage might not be that great, although i’d love to do it.</p>

<p>I find it hard to believe that you won’t be able to find MASSIVE ammounts of research about same sex marraige. It’s a very contreversial topic so of course it gathers a lot of people writing pro and con for it. The issue with same sex marraige, if anything is that it’s TOO done. In debate we call it a “canned” case because you can predict the arguements. But it should be fine for a research essay, you’ll find a lot of info, i promise.</p>

<p>Israel vs Palestine; I had a hundred-post facebook argument over that. :slight_smile: Bound to last for the rest of the semester, unfortunately.</p>

<p>The Pro’s of Communism (or Socialism, of Facism…you get the point.) </p>

<p>I’ve told you this one before. :)</p>

<p>Israel vs Palestine; I had a hundred-post facebook argument over that. :slight_smile: Bound to last for the rest of the semester, unfortunately.</p>

<p>Legalizing cannibalism…</p>

<p>War crimes/torture?</p>



<p>^ I like that one!!!
Well, except for the fact that cannibalism isn’t illeagle. It’s just the murder that’s illeagle.</p>

<p>Bailout/stimulus is always good</p>

<p>cannabis and Affirmative Action? ;-)</p>

<p>I know what a ‘canned case’ is, I too, am in debate. (all of the topics are canned cases, are you freaking kidding me, that is what debate is, it just matters who the better debater is, duh). </p>

<p>Anyways. What would **** off conservative christian/Mormon (nothing agaisnt these people) the most? I want to **** them off, they force their anti abortion beliefs on me, and they are all in love with Sarah Palin. I just want to bother them.</p>