Need a dinner recommendation

Hi All, I have a family of 6 who will be traveling to t-town for graduation. We have a vegetarian in the group who doesn’t eat fish. I was thinking one of the Thai places on the strip. I’ve never eaten in either one. Does anyone have any opinions or suggestions for other options. I want to make a reservation for Friday night of that weekend. We are staying outside of t-town so location doesn’t really matter, we have to drive in to pick up my son. Thanks.

Ruan Thai

see if they have entrees that will work

Where are you staying? If Birmingham, maybe you can expand your search there?

Thanks for the suggestion mom2ck. I was thinking that place would work. I will give them a call today. I hope they take reservations. We are staying in Vance and figured we would just drive back and forth. My son graduates Saturday afternoon. I just want to be able to show my family the university and get a nice dinner. If my son had his choice, it would be Broadway Pizza.

Hard to believe four years have gone by. What a wonderful time it’s been. Thanks for the help.

If you’re tastes run to spicy, we love Sitar, which is mostly Indian, but actually run by the nicest Nepalese folks. They have a variety of vegetarian options. It is almost never (over-)crowded…and I always make a point of dining there when in town and promoting it in order that they continue to stay in business! Both of the Thai places mentioned on the Strip are nice - Ruan Thai is less formal than Surin Thai (across the street from each other, basically). Ruan is in a house, with separate rooms for dining (and a few tables outside). Surin is more modern with white tableclothes. A place I want to try (but can never seem to get into) is Epiphany Cafe, on Greensboro, which features farm-to-fork…they do take reservations at set times! Check for details.

Thanks for all of your help and support and honesty over the years, hokiefan! Best of luck to your own Aero Son…and keep us posted on his future exploits! :slight_smile:

Aeromom, thanks for the recommendation on Epiphany and Sitar. Both those places would be to my families liking. I will let you know what my son winds up doing when he clues me in. How many weeks until graduation??