Need a little advice

<p>I am a very shy person and have the Avoidant Personality Disorder. I still want to get through college and get a good career but it is very hard for me to picture myself doing anything since I lack social skills. Would anyone have advice on a good major for someone like me? At the moment I am considering Elementry Education, Social Work or History but like I said, I'm not sure how well I will do with those. I could really use some advice.</p>

<p>Social skills are something that can be developed if you are motivated so I would not rule out majors and careers that you would like based on poor interpersonal skills. If you go to a school with an interpersonal communications department you can take coursework that could help improve your people skills tremendously. If you believe and accept that your social skills are poor and will remain poor then social work and elementary ed might be poor choices as they demand a great deal of people interaction. Typically the more technical a field the less people skills required, but in the current day and age you need to be able to deal with people. I'm not sure who diagnosed you with the personality disorder but I would seek out specific interpersonal skill building courses, workshops and experiences before accepting that you are not capable of normal person to person interactions.</p>