<p>I took the SAT for the first time this past May (2011) and did quite well. [<em>If I was to take it again, I would take it in November 2011</em>]</p>
<p>My score - 2310:
My splits -
- Critical Reading 760
- Math 790
- Writing 760 (essay 9)</p>
<p>I know this is a very good score and please understand that I am not trying to brag or be cocky in anyway; nonetheless, since this was my first time taking the test, would it be the right call/in my best interest to take it a second time?</p>
<p>Also, is 2300 and up actually considered the top/elite grouping or is it really more like 2350 +?</p>
<p>I'm conflicted on this and that's what I came here; this is an adequate score for many schools and I know it be hard to bump it up much more, yet part of me still feels it would be foolish to only take the test just a single time.</p>
<p>Please share your thought, thanks!</p>
<p>Spend your time on things that matter. Like the admissions essays. And your passion or whatever they say you’re supposed to exemplify to colleges</p>
<p>I think u r in the “elite category” already. Dont stress out too much. If u r trying to impress schools, a 2300 is practically the same as a 2400. If u r going for the “perfect score” and have ample time… why not? It is an honor to get a perfect score!</p>
<p>Compare your SAT score with those of admitted applicants of schools you are aiming for. If you match up nicely, assuming you have similar grades and a similar amount of extracurricular activities, then you should be fine. Honestly, unless you’re applying to the super top tier colleges, you don’t need to fret.</p>
<p>Are you a rising junior or senior? If you are going into junior year and this is your first SAT, you may just take it one more time to see if you do a little better and get a nicer superscore.</p>
<p>If you are going into senior year, just stay put. Thats a perfect score already for admission anywhere. Admission officers have said they essential view all scores in the 2300’s as the same. They wont choose someone with a 2350 over you just because they got 40 points on the SAT.</p>
<p>Focus on other important things in your life and on writing good college essays</p>
<p>^ I agree with FlamingMango. If you’re a junior, it might be cool to see if you get a 2400. Even though they’re similar scores, 2400 does look pretty impressive. If you’re a senior, I wouldn’t retake it because you’ll have to worry about college apps.</p>
<p>Are you ******* kidding me</p>
<p>STAY WITH YOUR SCORE. No matter what age you are. This is coming from someone who got a 2340, don’t retake that…</p>
<p>I would agree with most people on this thread. 2300 is the threshold for the big boy’s club, I’d stick with what you have.</p>
<p>I just retook a 2280 today (and I think I got ~2350 or so). I think it’s a good idea to retake it if you have the time and don’t mind spending 4 hours on a Saturday giving it another shot. I would suggest studying 6-10 hours tops (so like an hour or two a night for the week before the test) just to refresh yourself on everything but to me the time commitment (10-14 hours including the test) and cost weren’t enough to convince me not to retake it even though my score was “good enough” for the schools I was interested in. What if retaking it could have been what brought you up to a 2400 (or at least closer to it), but you decided not to retake it?</p>
<p>I do admit that we’re in somewhat different circumstances though because, while our scores were close, mine was below the 2300 psychological threshold so it may have been a good idea for me to retake it for a reason that doesn’t really apply to you.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone!</p>
<p>Just for some more background info though, I am not the most diligent student and while I may be in the 99.7th percentile for the SAT, in my school, I’m only in about 85th grades-wise (3.95-4.05 GPA). So my thinking is I should really try to shine in the SAT and go for 99.9th…</p>
<p>Any more thoughts? Thanks!</p>
<p>Also, I for schools that super score, wouldn’t it help to take it a second time?</p>
<p>If you’re a part of the…</p>
<p>Class of 2012: Don’t retake
Class of 2013: Um, it’s worth a shot. Don’t stress too much about it, though. And if you were retaking, I’d recommend you do so closer to the end of the school year so that you have more time to grow (though do realize that you may be burned out if you wait too long)
Class of 2014: Wait a year. Retake sometime during your junior year.</p>
<p>I’m gonna be a senior (Class of 2012)…</p>