Need body shop recommendations

<p>Today we received the dreaded call from our D that she had a wreck. Or more specifically, she side swapped a pole in the parking garage. Doesn’t look too serious, but we do need to get it fixed, and being 4 hours away and OOS doesn’t help. </p>

<p>Anyone know any reputable body shops in Tuscaloosa? We would like to get a couple of estimates, as we’re going to fix this out of pocket. </p>

<p>I’m just glad no one else was involved and she’s okay!</p>

<p>Really glad that your D is okay. Still scary!</p>

<p>Put the following into the “search this thread” button up on the right</p>

<p>“anyone know of a reliable auto repair place”</p>

<p>You will find information about body shops from others on the thread. </p>

<p>Good luck and again glad that your D is okay!</p>

<p>call warren tire and ask them where they recommend you go.</p>

<p>Thank you! Hopefully it won’t be too expensive.</p>